University of Virginia Library

U. Hall Profits

Dear Sir:

Mr. Cass of Student Council is
quoted in yesterday's Cavalier Daily
as saying that profits (over cost) of
renting U. Hall go to the Athletic
Department. Is that true?

It is one thing for Council to
preempt the allocation of U. Hall
rental funds from the Athletic to
the Admissions Department. On the
other hand, I understood that these
profits go to pay off the University
debt which allowed U. Hall to be
built in the first place - therefore,
not to the Athletic Department per
se. But the University already gets
some fourteen dollars per student
from each of us out of the
"Comprehensive Fee," to pay off
that debt. Where do the rental fees
go - University indebtedness or
Athletic Department general funds?

Al Barringer
Law 1

Ed. Note: Students pay fifteen
dollars out of their comprehensive
fee for the amortization of the debt
for University Hall. Rental fees go
for the debt and for the maintenance
of the Hall.