University of Virginia Library

Mr. Dillard Moves On

An association of 50 years' duration will
terminate at the end of this semester when
Hardy C. Dillard of the Law School leaves for
Europe to take his seat on the World Court.
Though his new position is a worthy climax to
a distinguished career, we cannot help but
note Mr. Dillard's departure with regret. Few,
if any, of her sons have contributed so much
to the University.

As a student, teacher and administrator,
Mr. Dillard has compiled a matchless record of
service. Beginning as President of what was
then the Law "Department" he has helped to
shape what are today two of the University's
proudest assets, its Law School and its Honor
System. Both owe much of what they are at
present to his ability, dedication and vision.

One of the nation's most distinguished
jurists, Mr. Roger Traynor, will be sitting in
Mr. Dillard's James Monroe Chair next
semester, but Mr. Traynor would undoubtedly
be the first to assert that neither he or
anyone else could replace him. Dean Dillard's
comment when nominated for the World
Court was that it reflected great credit on the
Law School of the University. So has his
entire career.