University of Virginia Library



FUND DRIVE Committee meeting
of U. Union, U. Union office, 3

IMPORTANT IFC meeting at
7:30 in South Meeting Room.
Elections of officers will be held.

SDS important meeting at 8
p.m., room 4C.

DRAFT Counseling 3rd floor,
Conference Room, Newcomb Hall.
12 noon-2 p.m. Call 9-5 p.m.,
296-7208, 7-1 a.m., 296-8849.

ASME meeting in A&M room
124 at 7:30 p.m. Mr. A. Spellman,
Jr., of Tennessee Eastman Co. will
speak on "The Principles of Mechanical
Design in Industrial Applications."
Plans for the Regional
ASME Student Conference at Clemson
will be discussed.

ALPHA PHI OMEGA will hold a
rush smoker for all interested first
and second year men in Jefferson
Hall, West Range at 7 p.m.

WILL THE PERSON who borrowed
(?) the "Taming of the
Shrew" poster from behind the
Main Desk in Newcomb Hall please
return it. It it were to have been
given away we would have had
hundreds. We had one!

COMMITTEE for Responsible
Leadership meeting. Informal
Lounge, 8 p.m.