University of Virginia Library

Dear Sir:

Scott is black, Scott was booed
by Virginia fans, therefore Scott
was by Virginia fans because
he was black. This seems to be the
reasoning behind the recent letter
submitted by the Student Athletic

There is a question in my mind
of exactly who makes up the S.A.C.
Obviously this organization missed
the freshman game with U.N.C. on
the evening of the alleged injustice
on the part of The University. As I
recall, the Virginia fans were
cheering a black North Carolina
player for his fine performance.

When are the big-mouthed organizations
which harp on the
bigotry at The University going to
start dealing with facts rather than
raping the truth? Can the S.A.C.
deny the fact that the display of
displeasure on the part of Virginia
fans (out of as it may have
been) was brought about by the
bad sportsmanship displayed by
Scott and not his color.

Let us go forward, but with our
eyes open.

Gary J. Gray
College 2