University of Virginia Library



BALCH-ENGLISH Club lecture
series, Professor O. B. Hardison's
lecture "The Poeties of Aristotle in
the Middle Ages" will be tonight at
8 p.m., NOT 7:30 p.m., South
Meeting Room, Newcomb Hall.

will present its 28th Annual Concert
of Christmas Music tonight at
8:30 p.m. in Cabell Hall Auditorium.


meeting of the Alderman Rd. Committee
on Monday at 6:30 p.m. In
Webb House Conference Room.
The charter being drawn up by Mr.
Titus' Committee to institute student
self-government in the Alderman
Rd. Dorms will be discussed.
All members urged to attend.

at 7:30 p.m., South Meeting
Room, Newcomb Hall.

open discussion "Interview with
Eldridge Cleaver" in December
Playboy, Monday, 7 p.m., in Mary

Chairman, will address the University
Young Republicans at 8 p.m.
Monday in 444 Cabell Hall. General
Business meeting will follow.

THERE WILL BE a required
meeting of all poll watchers for the
College and Engineering School
elections in the main ballroom of
Newcomb Hall on Monday, December
16 at 9.


THE AIAA is having annual
elections in the A&M Auditorium,
Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. All members
are urged to attend this important
meeting. Refreshments served.

Z 126-32-2844.

The Strawberry Alarm Clock in
concert at 5:30 p.m. Saturday in
Memorial Gym. Tickets $2.50 at
the usual places.

Chanukah Party Sunday 4-5:30

WTJU-FM will begin broadcasting
at 2 p.m. this Saturday.

THE U. UNION announces
plans for a Semester Break excursion
to San Juan, Puerto Rico,
January 26 to February 2, with
round-trip air transportation on Pan
Am and hotel accommodations all
inclusive. The price, depending on
hotel reservations, will be approximately
$175. This announcement is
only to "let you plan ahead," the
full price will be announced as soon
as possible. If interested, call ext.
3286 or stop by U. Union office,
4th floor, Newcomb Hall for additional

A SECTION of English 58 (Creative
Writing) devoted to poetry
will be established in the spring
semester. The course will meet
Mondays and Wednesdays at 2 p.m.
and will include study of the most
interesting contemporary poets
(Ashbery, Dickey, Ginsberg,
Lowell, Merwin, etc.). Enrollment
limited. Those wishing to take the
course should submit a sample of
their writing to Mr. Morgan, Box in
Cabell Hall 528.

VA. PLAYERS present "Sweet
Bird of Youth" by Tennessee
Williams, Friday and Saturday at
8:30 p.m., Minor Hall. Call for
reservations, 924-3051, 2-5 p.m.

THE DEADLINE for the short
story, poetry, and one-act play
categories of the Fine Arts Contest
has been extended until Jan. 10.
Entries in these categories as well as
the satirical essay, photography,
and art categories are all due on
that date. They may be turned in
any weekday afternoon to the U.
Union office, 4th floor, Newcomb

ENGINEERS: The Engineering
Council urges you to carefully read
and vote for the proposed Constitution
of the School of Engineering
and Applied Science, Dec. 16-17.

RIDING CLUB: Riders sign up
at Newcomb Hall Info. Desk for
this week. Last week for riding
until possibly the end of February.


Motel room available. Contact
Mike Damon 296-5082. For Dec.

University Union, presents the
Strawberry Alarm Clock, Dec. 14,
from 5:30-7:30 p.m. in Memorial
Gym. Tickets on sale for $2.50 per
person at Mincer's Timberlakes, H
F House, and Main Desk, Newcomb

Gala sale for Christmas shoppers.
All purchases over $1 20% off.
Xanadu, Xanadu, Xanadu, Xanadu.

Sip 'n Sizzle Restaurant across
from Sears, 1108 W. Main St.
Steaks from $0.99 up. Served with
baked potato, tossed salad.

College Men: If you are
interested in a well paying job and
all expenses paid travel for 10
weeks this summer, write us. We
need mature, conscientious men to
serve as marketing Representatives
in working with our distributor's
salesmen. Write Arnold Goldin, 600
Brandon Avenue, Apt. No. 30,
Ch'ville 22903.

New Art Gallery at First and
High St., downtown. Unique and
beautiful Xmas gifts. Afternoons.

Lazy Eight Flying Club, Inc.
memberships open, two aircraft,
Cessna 140 and Cessna 170, call