University of Virginia Library

Griping Invitation

To the University Community:

Some University-connected
gripe on your mind? Courses, coeducation,
counseling, culture,
condescension? Administration
policy on grass (the kind they cut
at 7 a.m. outside your window,
as well as...)? Would you like to
tell somebody besides your roommate
about it? Like a dozen faculty
members who care what students
think? Like a couple dozen students
who suspect faculty members
are people, too?

Do your bitching, and some
meeting, tonight at 8 in Maury
Hall Auditorium. A new organization,
the University Forum,
will hold its first meeting there.

Members of the Steering Committee
include Professors Catlin of
the Engineering School, Hart of
English, Harned of Religion, Harbaugh
of History, and student
representatives of the College,
Architecture and Graduate Education
schools. The new Dean of
Student Affairs, D. Alan Williams,
has accepted a position as member
ex-offic. Also expected to
be in attendance tonight are Professors
Kett and Vandersee, among

The University Forum is intended
to give students cf to
meet real-live professor people,
and vice-versa. It is founded
the assumption that stud an
faculty have a common in
in University affairs, and ca e
the maximum influence the
University when they talk to each
other and work together.

So whoever you are, faculty or
student, from whatever school, if
you care, come tonight at 8:00 to
Maury Hall.

Pieter Schenkkan
College 3