University of Virginia Library


Wanted to rent: Visiting faculty
member with family needs 3 bedroom
furnished house or apartment
within walking distance
from Grounds from July 25 to
August 25. Call Mr. Simmonds,
ext. 3295 or 973-6528.

Two experienced accurate typists
are needed by The Cavalier
Daily to begin work next September.
Only well qualified typists
will be considered. Salary open.
Please send a complete resume
to The Cavalier Daily, Newcomb
Hall Station, Ch'ville.

Ride to Chapel Hill wanted,
Friday after 12 noon. Call 2938098

Sublet wanted for 3 teachers
for inter-session June 17-July 5,
call 293-7579.

2 roommates—summer school—
1800 Jefferson Park, 2 bedrooms,
air conditioned, kitchen, pool, TV,
$100 a piece, ask for Jerry, 2965001.

Roommate for 1968-69 in house
at 11 Elliewood. Cheap and convenient.
Graduate student preferred,
call 295-4725.

WANTED: Used canoe, phone