University of Virginia Library

"Each Keeps Quota"

"These business establishments
do not hire Negroes," said Wendell
Johnson of the Youth Council.
"Oh, they all say they do
and have a Negro clerk or two,
but each keeps a quota and refuses
to go past it."

The purpose of the boycott, he
added, was to force economic
pressure on these businesses during
the anticipated Easter boom.
The added business would be diverted
to other integrated establishments.

Last week at the Student Council
meeting Mr. Johnson also successfully
presented a resolution
urging endorsement of the goals
of equal opportunity employment
and open housing. At that
time, the policy of a committee
meeting with these "segregated"
businesses was mentioned to mediate
the difficulties between the
two groups.

Mr. Johnson said the meeting
would be held tonight. "Judging
from past experience and the discussions
we've had with them,
however, I would say there have
been no results and none are expected
without some sort of public

He also noted that the handbill
had been checked with the
group's lawyers and cleared for
general distribution to the public.