University of Virginia Library

Painting Theft

Dear Sir:

I am extremely sorry to say that
last weekend (probably Sunday)
two of my paintings were removed
from the wall of my studio and
spirited away. Although probably
not worth a great deal, these
paintings were part of my class
work, and I need them for faculty
evaluation. I certainly hope that the
culprit was not a student, but since
that possibility has crossed my
mind, I should like to remind him
that what he has done is a sin
against the Honor System and ask
that he repent and return the
paintings posthaste.

I would also like to remind the
student body that each student
must be an enforcer of the Honor
System and ask that if anyone has
any information about the whereabouts
of the pilfered art or any
ideas as to the culprit, he contact
me at 293-4761, 133 Tuttle
House, or 3 Cocke Hall. Descriptions
of the paintings follow: the
first is 20x24 inches, on a blue
background with a simple, circular
design in pure colors (red, yellow,
black, and violet). The other is
24x30 inches on a bright yellow
background, with a design of words
and shapes in black, white, red,
green, and light blue. Both have
the signature NEWM. I believe
that the Honor System can and
should be a fact of student life
rather than a grand principle given
lip service; I ask for a confirmation
of my belief.

James I. Newman
College 3