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The Student Affairs and Athletics Committee recommended to the full Board an amendment to the resolution on Allocation of Student Activities Fee originally adopted on 14 December 1968.

The amended resolution, which reads as follows, was adopted:

  • RESOLVED by The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia that the Student Activities Committee shall continue to be charged with the authority and responsibility, under the President, for supervision of the Student Activities Fund which is made up of student activities fees. With respect to allocations from the Fund, unless otherwise directed by the President, the procedures shall be as follows: (1) the Committee shall review budgets submitted by The Cavalier Daily and approve allocations thereto; (2) the budgets of all other organizations will be reviewed by Student Council which will allocate funds from student activities fees to the organizations.
  • All student organizations shall be eligible to receive funds from the student activities fee, except that no monies shall be given for religious or political activities[1] or for honoraria or social entertainment. The ceiling on the aggregate amount allocated to all such organizations will be the then current total student activities fees less the amount approved by the Student Activities Committee for The Cavalier Daily. Each organization whose budget is reviewed by the Student Council will have a right of appeal to the Student Activities Committee. If no appeal is taken, a Student Council officer will draw a check on the Student Activities Fund for the amount specified by Council payable to the organization receiving the allocation. The Student Activities Committee shall examine on its own motion any budgets that may be approved by the Student Council for organizations deemed by the Committee to be within the exceptions noted above.
  • RESOLVED FURTHER that the Board hereby reserves to the President the unrestricted right to change either prospectively or retroactively the procedures for making allocations from the Student Activities Fund as he may from time to time deem appropriate.


To further clarify the meaning of the phrase "political activity: the Student Activities Committee has adopted the following resolution:

"Political activities are, in general, those normally engaged in by political parties or special interest groups, such as electioneering, lobbying, and propagandizing. Electioneering shall include any activity connected with the electoral process in a partisan manner. Lobbying shall include any activity whose purpose is to influence governmental action or policy. Propagandizing shall include any activity whose purpose is to procure, or prevent, the acceptance or any social, economic or political theory as an operating principle of polity; propagandizing shall not be interpreted to include engaging in non-partisan analyses, study, or research or making those results available to the public."