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The President submitted to the Board of Visitors for consideration a draft of a Servitude Agreement
under which it is proposed that the University of Virginia, the Administrators of the Tulane
Educational Fund and Trinity Church, as Naked Owners, and Mrs. Mildred Saffold Vincent as Usufructuary,
along with Frank B. Hayne, Jr., co-owner, Grantors, grant to New Orleans Public Service, Inc.,
Grantee, in consideration of $7,500, a servitude or easement over, under, across and upon certain
lands belonging to Grantors in the Third Municipal District of the City of New Orleans, Louisiana,
such servitude or easement being 30 feet in width and approximately 250 rods in length, and in any
event not exceeding 270 rods in length, and being more particularly described in such Servitude
Agreement, for the purpose of a natural gas line.

The President informed the Board that the grant of such servitude or easement had been approved
by the Administrators of the Tulane Educational Fund, Mr. Malcolm L. Monroe on behalf of Mrs. Vincent,
and Mr. Frank B. Hayne, Jr., and that the matter was being submitted to the Vestry of Trinity Church
for approval on 10 April 1965. Approval by the University of Virginia had been recommended by the
Honorable Wayne G. Borah, the University's representative.

After consideration of the draft of the Servitude Agreement submitted to this meeting and
discussion, upon motion duly made and seconded, the following resolution was adopted:

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the Honorable Wayne G. Borah be and he is hereby authorized, empowered and directed to unite
of behalf of the University of Virginia, in a Servitude Agreement whereby the University of Virginia,
the Administrators of the Tulane Educational Fund, Trinity Church, Mildred Saffold Vincent
and Frank B. Hayne, Jr., grant unto New Orleans Public Service, Inc., in consideration of the payment
of $7,500, a servitude or easement, 30 feet in width and not to exceed 270 rods in length over,
under, across and upon their lands situated in the Third Municipal District of the City of New
Orleans, Louisiana, described as Section 41 of Township 12 South, Range 13, East, in the Southeastern
District of Louisiana, east of the Mississippi River, for the purposes of a natural gas line,
the terms and conditions of such Servitude Agreement to be substantially in accord with the terms
and conditions of the draft thereof submitted to this meeting.