University of Virginia Library


The Rector called to the attention of the Board a letter, dated 19 November 1963, from Mr. Henry
S. Haight, addressed to the Rector, a copy of which had been sent to each member of the Board. The
letter from Mr. Haight reads as follows

The Rector
Board of Visitors
University of Virginia
Charlottesville, Virginia
Dear Sir

Over the past two years, the above committee has examined an impressive mass of evidence relating
to the functioning of the Honor System at the University of Virginia. This investigation was undertaken
after my son, Henry S. Haight, Jr. was dismissed from the University under circumstances that


were, in the judgement of this committee, predudicial [sic] to the best interest of the student and the
student government at the University

It is respectfully requested that the Board of Visitors submit this case to a committee to be
appointed by the Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia. Such a committee would be given full
access to the files of this committee and full cooperation would be given by the committee which
has gathered evidence in other disciplinary cases that cast reflection on the administration of
justice under the present Honor System

Kindly inform me at the earliest practicable date what action the Board of Visitors proposes to take
on this request

Yours very truly,
/s/ Henry S. Haight
Henry S. Haight
cc Hon. A.S. Harrison, Jr. [sic]

After due consideration, the following resolution was adopted

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia that
the request of Mr. Henry S. Haight be and it is hereby denied