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the pirate of the Gulf

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Among the many evils produced by the wars, which, with little
intermission, have afflicted Europe, and extended their ravages
into other quarters of the globe, for a period exceeding twenty
years, the dispersion of a considerable portion of the inhabitants
of different countries, in sorrow and in want, has not been the
least injurious to human happiness, nor the least severe in the
trial of human virtue.

“It had been long ascertained that many foreigners, flying from
the dangers of their own home, and that some citizens, forgetful
of their duty, had co-operated in forming an establishment on the
island of Barataria, near the mouth of the river Mississippi, for
the purpose of a clandestine and lawless trade. The government
of the United States caused the establishment to be broken up and
destroyed; and, having obtained the means of designating the
offenders of every description, it only remained to answer the demands
of justice by inflicting an exemplary punishment.

“But it has since been represented that the offenders have manifested
a sincere penitence; that they have abandoned the prosecution
of the worst cause for the support of the best, and, particularly,
that they have exhibited, in the defence of New Orleans,
unequivocal traits of courage and fidelity. Offenders, who have
refused to become the associates of the enemy in the war, upon
the most seducing terms of invitation; and who have aided to repel


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his hostile invasion of the territory of the United States, can
no longer be considered as objects of punishment, but as objects
of a generous forgiveness.

“It has therefore been seen, with great satisfaction, that the
General Assembly of the State of Louisiana earnestly recommend
those offenders to the benefit of a full pardon: And in compliance
with that recommendation, as well as in consideration of all
the other extraordinary circumstances of the case, I James Madison,
President of the United States of America, do issue this proclamation,
hereby granting, publishing and declaring, a free and
full pardon of all offences committed in violation of any act or acts
of the Congress of the said United States, touching the revenue,
trade and navigation thereof, or touching the intercourse and commerce
of the United States with foreign nations, at any time before
the eighth day of January, in the present year one thousand
eight hundred and fifteen, by any person or persons whatsoever,
being inhabitants of New Orleans and the adjacent country, or
being inhabitants of the said island of Barataria, and the places
adjacent: Provided, that every person, claiming the benefit of
this full pardon, in order to entitle himself thereto, shall produce a
certificate in writing from the governor of the State of Louisiana,
stating that such person has aided in the defence of New Orleans
and the adjacent country, during the invasion thereof as aforesaid.

“And I do hereby further authorize and direct all suits, indictments,
and prosecutions, for fines, penalties, and forfeitures,
against any person or persons, who shall be entitled to the benefit
of this full pardon, forthwith to be stayed, discontinued and released:
All civil officers are hereby required, according to the
duties of their respective stations, to carry this proclamation into
immediate and faithful execution.

Done at the City of Washington, the sixth day of February,
in the year one thousand eight hundred and fifteen, and
of the independence of the United States the thirty-ninth.

“By the President,

James Madison.

James Monroe,
Acting Secretary of State.”


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