University of Virginia Library

From Rev. Moses Stuart, Professor
of Sacred Literature in the
Theological Seminary at Andover.

I have read with much satisfaction
Professor Upham's works on Intellectual
Philosophy and on the Will. The
tone and manner of these books must be
pleasing to all who love calm, dispassionate,
and accurate investigation, and
moderation in defending one's own opinions
and canvassing those of others. I
have no hesitation in saying, that I regard
Professor Upham's books as giving
the best views of the subjects named
which we have in the English language,
and as worthy of being read and studied
in the schools and colleges of our country.
Even those who may differ from him in
opinion, will feel no disposition to indulge
unkind feelings towards so sincere and
candid an inquirer after truth. Most
sincerely do I wish ample success to the
author and the publishers of the works
in question; especially at a time when
the public mind is allured by books on
these subjects in many respects dreamy
and unintelligible to the great mass of

M. Stuart.