University of Virginia Library


Chapter 77. An Act to amend and re-enact the 20th. & 21st.
Sections of Chapter 201 of the Code of Virginia, Edition of 1860,
relative to the appointment of Conservators of the Peace, for Watering
Places, for the University of Virginia, and for incorporated
Colleges. Approved Dec. 23rd. 1872.

"1. Be it enacted by the general assembly of Virginia, That the
20th. & 21st. Sections of Chapter 201 of the Code of Virginia,
Edition of 1860, be amended and re-enacted so as to read as follows:
20. The County court, or the judge of the circuit court
of any county in which any watering-place may be located, or in
which the University of Virginia, or any incorporated college may
be, may, upon the application of the owners or proprietors of such
watering-place, or of the board of visitors of the said University,
or other constituted authority of any incorporated college, appoint
some citizen of the commonwealth conservator of the peace, whose
jurisdiction shall extend over the grounds attached to such watering-place,
University or incorporated college, within such limits as
shall be prescribed in the order appointing such conservator.

21. Such conservator shall have power to prescribe such police
regulations, not inconsistent with the laws of the commonwealth,


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as may be expedient for the preservation of the peace and good
order of such watering-place, or of such University or incorporated
college, and shall keep such regulations posted at some public place
within his jurisdiction.

2. This act shall be in force from its passage." Acts 1872-3,
pp. 8, 9.

Chapter 64. An Act to incorporate the Society of the Alumni
of the University of Virginia. Approved Feb. 6, 1873.

"Whereas on the 4th. day of July, A. D. 1872, the judge of the
Circuit Court of Albemarle County did grant a charter of incorporation
to the Society of the Alumni of the University of Virginia,
and it is desirable that the said charter should be amended and
granted by this legislature as amended: therefore:

1. Be it enacted by the general assembly of Virginia, That
A. R. Blakey, N. H. Massie, W. C. N. Randolph, Horace W.
Jones, R. T. W. Duke and Oscar Rierson, together with such other
persons as are now, or may hereafter be associated with them, and
their successors, shall be, and they are hereby, incorporated and
made a body politic and corporate, under the name and style of
the Society of Alumni of the University of Virginia.

2. The principal office of said Society is to be kept, and the
chief business to be transacted, at Charlottesville, Va.; its capital
stock to be not less than $500, and the maximum to be not more
than 20 times said sum, and to be divided into shares of $10.00
each. No stockholder is ever to receive any pecuniary benefit from
the said capital stock, nor from any dividends therefrom, but the
whole of both capital and dividends to be used in efforts to raise
an endowment fund, to be held and applied by the said Society
of Alumni of the University of Virginia for the benefit of the
said University, and neither the diminution, nor the entire exhaustion
of the capital stock of such society shall forfeit, nor in any
degree impair, the corporate rights, privileges, and powers of said

3. The officers of the Society for the first year shall be; B.
Johnson, Barbour, of Orange County, Va., president; John W.
Daniel, of Lynchburg, Va., 1st. vice-president; Wm. T. Early,
of Charlottesville, Va., 2nd. vice-president; C. D. Fishburne, of
Charlottesville, Va., Secretary; N. H. Massie of Charlottesville,


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Va., treasurer, and A. R. Blakey, of Charlottesville, Va., N. H.
Massie of Charlottesville, Va., W. C. N. Randolph of Charlottesville,
Va., Horace W. Jones of Albemarle County, Va., R. T.
W. Duke of Albemarle County, Va., W. A. Quarles of Clarksville,
Tenn., and W. R. Abbot, of Bedford County, Va.; the
last named seven of whom shall constitute an executive committee,
charged with the special duty of raising the endowment
fund, and also a fund to build a hall for the said Society,
and they are clothed with power to control and manage the
capital stock and the dividends therefrom, if any, and any other
funds belonging to the said society, and to use the same in efforts
to raise the said endowment, until the said society shall meet in
general meeting, and order otherwise.

4. This Society, by its executive committee, or in such other
way as it in general meeting shall direct, shall have power to raise
the sum of $500,000—, to be held in the name of the Society of
Alumni of the University of Virginia, to be safely invested, and
the net annual income therefrom to be applied to the benefit of the
University of Virginia. The management and investment, and
application of said funds, and the income therefrom, to be by the
said executive committee of the Society and their successors in office:
and the said Society may, in any proper way consistent with the
general policy and organization of said institution of learning, and
not inconsistent with the laws of this State, devise and carry into
execution ways and means for the advancement of the interests and
prosperity of the University of Virginia.

5. With money specially donated for the purpose it may build
a hall for the use and benefit of said Society, and let to rent such
part of said building as it may not have constant use for, and may
hold real estate not exceeding 5 acres.

6. It shall have power to receive and hold any donations, devises,
legacies, scholarships, grants, and gifts of books, manuscripts,
copyrights, works of art, real and personal estates, or anything else
of value for the endowment mentioned in the 4th. Section above,
and also for building a hall mentioned in the 5th. Section. But
every donation, devise, legacy, grant, or gift, which shall not be
given especially for the purchase or erection of the said hall, or
purchase of the said 5 acres of real estate shall be deemed to be for
the benefit of the endowment fund mentioned in the 4th. Section.


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The said Society shall have power to sell, exchange, transfer, assign,
and convey any property given to it, and to publish, and have copies
made of any books, manuscripts, paintings and other works of
art that may belong to it, and to sell the same; and also by legal
proceedings to enforce the payment of bonds, bills, notes and other
written obligations, executed and delivered to it by way of endowment,
and for any other purposes and objects of the said Society,
authorized by its charter. Any real estate which it may acquire
by devise or otherwise, over and above five acres, is to be sold as
soon as it can conveniently be sold at a fair price. The property held
by or for said Society shall stand upon the same footing as that
held by or for institutions of learning incorporated by this state.

7. With the consent of the board of Visitors and faculty of
the University it shall have power to dispose of scholarships in the
University of Virginia, and to invest the proceeds thereof as other
funds received to be applied for the benefit of the said university.

8. The capital stock of the Society mentioned in Section 2nd.
shall be a fund totally distinct from the other funds mentioned in
the 4th and 5th Sections. The funds mentioned in these last named
sections shall be no part of the capital stock of the society, nor shall
any person who may give or grant any funds to the said society
by reason thereof become a stockholder.

9. At any general meeting the society may adopt any by-laws
it may think proper in regard to admitting or rejecting members,
and for any other purpose not inconsistent with the laws and constitution
of this State and the United States.

10. Each member shall have one vote in the meetings of
the society.

11. It shall have authority to appoint agents to obtain endowments
for scholarships, and professorships, to solicit donations, to
dispose of anything of any value belonging to the society, or entrusted
to its management for the purpose of endowing professorships
or scholarships, or for accomplishing any of the other objects
of the society authorized by its charter; and to pay all expenses
incident to the conduct and operation of the society.

12. The executive committee and other officers shall hold their
office until their successors are appointed. Three of the executive
committee shall constitute a quorum for business, and it shall have


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power to fill vacancies in its own body until the next election after
the happening of such vacancy. It shall be the duty of the executive
committee annually, and oftener if required, to make a report to
the society in regard to its management of the funds under its
control and to make such suggestions and recommendations as it
may deem advisable. And the society shall have the power at
any time to remove any one or more of the executive committee,
and appoint others in their places.

13. The executive committee shall be invested with all the
powers of the society in regard to the funds belonging to and
under the control of the society, and in regard to raising said funds,
except in so far as they may be restricted by the positive laws or
orders of the society.

14. All transactions of the said society under its charter granted
by the Circuit Court of Albemarle County, and which occurred
before the date of this act, shall be as valid in all respects as if the
same had transpired after the passage of this act.

15. Any person may insure his life for its benefit, and any such
insurance shall be valid without regard to the insurable interest
which the party contracting with the insurer may have in said
society. It may receive the benefit of such insurance, or upon his
abandonment of the contract the society may take the place of such
party by paying in his stead such premiums; and may change or
modify said contract or do anything else, necessary in the premises,
which party thus in default might do under the said contract, at any
time within 60 day s after such default and notice thereof to the
executive committee of said society.

16. This act shall be in force from its passage. Acts 1872-3,
pp. 42-45.