University of Virginia Library

For Undergraduates and Graduates.

Analytical Chemistry C1: Quantitative Analysis: Analytical Chemistry
B1 prerequisite.
—Training in manipulation and gravimetric estimations, followed


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by volumetric estimations and a full course in quantitative analysis
of minerals, ores, coal, soil, iron and steel, technical products, and so on.
Weekly written exercises are required, and twelve hours or more of laboratory
work per week. As the student advances in the course he is encouraged
to undertake original research and assist in its prosecution. Monday,
Wednesday, Friday, 10-11. Chemical Laboratory. Professor Dunnington, Mr
E. P. Brown.

Industrial Chemistry C1: Chemistry B1 or Analytical Chemistry B1, prerequisite.—A
study is made of the chemical principles and processes of the more
important manufacturing industries. Among the subjects discussed are
the metallurgy and uses of the principal metals and alloys, the manufacture
of acids, alkalies, salts, explosives, glass, pottery, brick, lime, cement, paper,
soap, disinfectants and fertilizers; the preparation and preservation of food,
including bread, meat, sugar, etc.; dyeing and tanning, heating and artificial
lights. There is a daily quiz and weekly written exercises are required.
Text-book: Allen Rogers' Elements of Industrial Chemistry.—Hours by
appointment. Chemical Laboratory. Professor Dunnington.

Students who accomplish the work of Analytical Chemistry B1 and C1
and Industrial Chemistry C1, together with Chemistry B1, B2, and C1, are
prepared for entering upon work in the several lines of industry.