University of Virginia Library

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The Congo and Other Poems


With a preface by Harriet Monroe, Editor of the Poetry Magazine.

Cloth, 12mo, $1.25; leather, $1.50

In the readings which Vachel Lindsay has given
for colleges, universities, etc., throughout the country,
he has won the approbation of the critics and
of his audiences in general for the new verse-form
which he is employing, as well as the manner of
his chanting and singing, which is peculiarly his
own. He carries in memory all the poems in his
books, and recites the program made out for him;
the wonderful effect of sound produced by his lines,
their relation to the idea which the author seeks
to convey, and their marvelous lyrical quality are
quite beyond the ordinary, and suggest new possibilities
and new meanings in poetry. It is his
main object to give his already established friends a
deeper sense of the musical intention of his pieces.

The book contains the much discussed "War
Poem," "Abraham Lincoln," "Walks at Midnight";
it contains among its familiar pieces: "The Santa
Fe Trail," "The Fireman's Ball," "The Dirge for
a Righteous Kitten," "The Griffin's Egg," "The
Spice Tree," "Blanche Sweet," "Mary Pickford,"
"The Soul of the City," etc.

Mr. Lindsay has just received the Levinson
Prize for the best poem contributed to the Poetry
(Chicago) for 1915.

"We do not know a young man of any more
promise than Mr. Vachel Lindsay for the task
which he seems to have set himself." — The Dial.


Publishers 64-66 Fifth Avenue New York