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Page 380



1. Unpublished Reminiscences

The materials upon which in large measure this book is based are
reminiscences gathered by correspondence and conversation with more
than a thousand persons, many of whom were old-time abolitionists, while
the remainder included the families and intimate friends of abolitionists
and a number of fugitive slaves. It was discovered by the author after
only a short search for published sources that little was to be gleaned in
the libraries and that information sufficient in amount for an extended
study could be obtained only by what geologists and botanists call fieldwork.
The collection of materials went on as time could be spared for
this purpose until a great mass of letters and notes had been brought
together, and then the work of sorting, arranging and classifying began.
The reminiscences were grouped by states and counties, so as to bring
out as far as possible the coincident and confirmatory character of
evidence relating to the same neighborhood or district; and the value of
the materials appeared in the tracings of underground lines the author
was able to make, county by county and state by state, throughout the
region of the free states from Iowa to Maine. For the purpose of showing
the extent and importance of the underground movement these
unpublished reminiscences have proved to be invaluable.

2. Printed Collections of Underground Railroad Incidents

There are a few volumes that supply us with numerous illustrations of
the Underground Railroad in operation. These books are not general
treatises on the underground system, but give us an insight into the
clandestine work of several limited localities; they are important because
they exhibit the methods and devices of operators, show the sacrifices
made by them in behalf of the midnight seekers after liberty, and
supplement with valuable matter the unpublished reminiscences. In
addition to the well-known books of Still, Smedley and Coffin, the author
has found the three smaller, and hitherto unquoted books by W. M.
Mitchell, E. M. Pettit and H. U. Johnson, to be useful.


Page 381

3. Personal Recollections

A few of those who were active in aiding slaves to escape to Canada
have published volumes of personal recollections, in which, among other
things, they tell more or less about their connection with the humane
but illegitimate work of the abolitionists, and give vivid sketches of
some of their associates, as well as of some of their dark-skinned
protégés. Such books are the Rev. James Freeman Clarke's Anti-Slavery
, the Rev. Samuel J. May's Recollections of our Anti-Slavery Conflict,
J. B. Grinnell's Men and Events of Forty Years, Mrs. Laura S. Haviland's
A Woman's Life Work and Mrs. E. B. Chace's Anti-Slavery Reminiscences.

A small class of books, of which the Personal Memoirs of Daniel
Drayton, and the books by Dr. A. M. Ross and the Rev. Calvin Fairbank
are representatives, are indispensable as sources of information relating
to the abduction of slaves from the South. The little book entitled
Harriet, the Moses of her People, in which that remarkable guide of
fugitives, Harriet Tubman, relates her exploits through the pen of her
friend, Mrs. S. H. Bradford, properly belongs to this group.

4. Letters, Diaries and Scrap-books

The liability of Underground Railroad operators to severe penalties
for harboring runaways explains the dearth of evidence in the form of
letters, diaries and scrap-books they have left behind; such evidence
would have been incriminating. It is known that a few abolitionists
kept diaries and scrap-books and even wrote letters in regard to the
business of the Road, but most of these records appear to have been
destroyed before the beginning of the Civil War. The author has been
able to secure only two or three letters and the single leaf of a diary in
centres where much work was done. Three scrap-books in the Boston
Public Library, containing memoranda, clippings, handbills, etc., that
refer in particular to the experiences of Theodore Parker, shed much
light on the work of the Vigilance Committee of Boston, and supply
important information in regard to the famous case of Anthony Burns.

5. Biographies and Memoirs

Biographies and memoirs of anti-slavery men not infrequently contain
references to aid rendered to fugitives, explain the motives of the philanthropists,
and give their versions of the fugitive slave cases that came
within their immediate knowledge; such books are often indices of
the public sentiment of the localities in which their subjects lived,
and when read in conjunction with the biographies of pro-slavery advocates


Page 382
help us to realize the conflicting interests that expressed themselves
in the slavery controversy. Lydia Maria Child's Life of Isaac T. Hopper
has preserved to us the record of one of the pioneers of the underground
movement, while the biographies of Gerrit Smith and James and Lucretia
, show these persons to have been worthy successors of the benign
and shrewd Hopper. In the biographies of John Brown by Redpath
Hinton and Sanborn, and in the Life of Harriet Beccher Stowe, by her
son, Charles E. Stowe, we have proofs of the deep and enduring impression
made by underground experiences upon strong characters capable
of assimilating and transforming these into forces of historical moment.
Chase, Seward and Sumner were among our public men who acted as
counsel for fugitive slaves; it is not surprising therefore that their
biographers have given considerable space to the consideration of cases
with which these men were connected. The prominence of the statesmen
just named and others of their class as party leaders makes their
biographies indispensable in tracing the political history of the antebellum
period. Claiborne's Life and Correspondence of John A. Quitman
may properly be named as an excellent and valuable example of the
class of biographies of prominent men of the South.

A few obituary pamphlets have been gathered, which have proved to
be of some service: such are A. L. Benedict's Memoir of Richard Dillingham,
and pamphlets relating to Mr. John Hossack, of Ottawa, Illinois,
and Mr. James M. Westwater, of Columbus, Ohio.

6. Slave Biographies and Autobiographies

A recital of the life and sufferings of many colored refugees hi books
written by themselves or by sympathetic friends, and published in
various free states during the two or three decades preceding 1860,
tended to increase the Northern feeling against slavery and doubtless
also to carry to many minds convictions that found a partial expression
in underground efforts. These books contain descriptions of slave life
on the plantation and tell with the omission of particulars, which it
would have been imprudent at the time to relate, the story of the escape
to liberty. The omission of these particulars renders these sources of
little use in tracing the secret routes to Canada followed by the refugees,
or in confirming, in part or in whole, the routes of others. In the case
of Frederick Douglass, the gaps and omissions appearing in the first
autobiography are filled with much valuable information in the second,
written after slavery was abolished. The books by Josiah Henson, the
Rev. J. W. Loguen and Austin Steward are interesting as the narratives
of negroes of superior ability who spent a part at least of their time
after self-emancipation in Canada, and could therefore write intelligently
on the condition of their people there.


Page 383

7. Materials Relating to Slavery and Fugitive Slaves in

There is but little material in regard to slavery and fugitive slaves in
Canada. The question of slavery in the provinces is clearly presented
in a few pages of Vol. XXV of the Magazine of American History, while
the life of the colored refugees in Canada during the period of immigration
and settlement can only be seen in anything like a sufficient light in
Benjamin Drew's North-Side View of Slavery, and Dr. S. G. Howe's
Refugees from Slavery in Canada West.

8. State, County and Local Histories

Many contributions on the Underground Railroad appear in the collections
of historical, biographical and other materials that make up a
large number of our state, county and local histories so-called. Accounts,
which when taken by themselves are fragmentary and therefore of little
importance, have been brought to light by searching through these
histories; and not unnaturally, perhaps, the largest number have been
found in the county histories of Ohio. Six or seven of these histories
afford articles relating to the Underground Railroad; and characteristic
items and incidents have been printed in both state and local histories
besides. Illinois comes nest in the number of contributions preserved
in its local histories. The utmost diligence of the student in the library
alcoves devoted to Indiana, Iowa, Massachusetts, Michigan, New York,
Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, will result in the finding of from one to
three contributions only, as the case may be; while from the shelves
given to Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire and New Jersey, he is not
likely to secure anything to his purpose.

9. Reports of Societies

The reports of anti-slavery societies, especially those of Massachusetts
and Pennsylvania, are rich in comments upon the prosecutions in the
South of abductors of slaves, and do not fail to show the effect of the
Fugitive Slave Law of 1850 upon the activity of Underground Railroad
lines They also tell something of the missionary work done among the
refuses in Canada. In the last-named respect they are secondary to the
Reports of the Anti-Slavery Society of Canada, the Refugees' Home Society,
and the Canada Mission.

Within the past ten years various societies of the historical type have
been instrumental, directly or indirectly, in the publication of addresses
bearing upon the violation of the Fugitive Slave laws, A series of lectures


Page 384
before the Political Science Association of the University of Michigan,
several of which involve this theme, were published in 1889 under
the general title, Constitutional History of the United States as seen in the
Development of American Law
. A collection of letters and addresses commemorative
of the anti-slavery movement and some of its leaders was
printed in 1893 in a book, called Old Anti-Slavery Days, by the Danvers
(Mass.) Historical Society. An address on "The Underground
Railroad" by ex-President James H. Fairchild, of Oberlin College, forms
Tract No. 87 in Vol. IV. of the publications of the Western Reserve
Historical Society. The best account of the Glover rescue case will be
found in a pamphlet by Mr. Vroman Mason on the Fugitive Slave Law
in Wisconsin, with Reference to Nullification Sentiment
, issued in 1895 by
the State Historical Society of Wisconsin.

10. Records of Trials

The reader who acquaints himself even superficially with John Codman
Hurd's two volumes, entitled the Law of Freedom and Bondage in
the United States
, can not fail to be impressed with the value of legal
reports for the study of the great contention over slavery. Hurd's pages
are full of descriptions and discussions of cases in their judicial bearing,
and his foot-notes are largely made up of references to the published
reports of trials.

In the series of these records of trials, one may trace the history of
legal opposition to the enforcement of the Fugitive Slave laws, note the
decision in the Prigg case, by which the efficiency of the law of 1793 was
destroyed, and the Southern demand for a new law made imperative,
mark the clash of state and federal jurisdictions, and see the growth of
the spirit of nullification in the North. For these purposes, one should
consult not only the records of the Supreme Court and the lower courts,
such as Federal Cases, Howard's Reports, McLean's Reports, Ohio State
Reports, Wisconsin Reports
, etc., but also the various law periodicals, for
example, the American Law Register, the Legal Intelligencer, and the
Western Law Journal. Some important cases have been published in
pamphlet form, while two at least are more minutely set forth in books;
a volume is devoted to the Oberlin-Wellington rescue case, and several
relate to the trial of Anthony Burns.

11. Periodicals and Newspapers

In marked contrast with, the legal reports and law periodicals, little can
be gleaned from the popular magazines of fugitive slave days. The
ethics of resistance to the laws for the recovery of runaways is discussed


Page 385
in the North American Review for July, 1850, and in the Democratic
, Vol. V, 1851, and incidents typical of the experience of the
underground operator and his confederates are recited in Once a Week
for June, 1862. Careful and extended search has revealed nothing in
the better known periodicals published during the War and the two
decades following. Recently, however, abolitionists have become retrospective
and reminiscent, and the tales of their midnight adventures in
contravention of those laws of their country which they deemed subversive
of the "higher law" begin to appear in periodicals and newspapers.
For example, the first of a series of stories, which are founded upon facts,
was printed in the Lake Shore and Home Magazine for July, 1887, an article
on the Underground Railroad appeared in the Magazine of Western
for March, 1887, and a "symposium" of reminiscences was published
in the Firelands Pioneer for July, 1888. Articles of a miscellaneous
nature, in which points of interest are brought out, have been
appearing in some of the monthly magazines within more recent years,
for instance, in the Atlantic Monthly, the Century Magazine, and the New
England Magazine

Only vague and rare references to the Underground Railroad and
its workings are made in the newspapers of ante-bellum days, and these
are of little value. The Liberator was fierce in its opposition to the Fugitive
Slave Laws, and contains many stories of fugitives, but in this, as in
less radical newspapers, the editor observed a discreet silence concerning
the secret efforts of his colaborers in emancipating the bondman. It is
necessary, therefore, to rely upon the long delayed accounts contributed
by operators now advanced in years to the columns of the press. In
1885, interesting articles were printed in the Western Star, of Indiana,
and the New Lexington (Ohio) Tribune, and since then, especially since
1890, many others have been published. These have been patiently
gathered, and form a part of the author's collections.

12. Histories of Religious Societies

Materials relative to the attitude of various religious denominations
towards slavery are to be found in the histories of the different church
organizations, such as William Hodgson's The Society of Friends in the
Nineteenth Century
, Dr. H. N. McTyeire's History of Methodism, and Dr.
R. E. Thompson's History of the Presbyterian Churches in the United States.

Other works, for example A. C. Applegarth's Quakers in Pennsylvania
and S. B. Weeks' Southern Quakers and Slavery, which, while dealing
with a single denomination, are not to be regarded as denominational
histories in any strict sense, contain points of interest and value.


Page 386

13. Materials Bearing on Legislation

The study of our colonial legislation supplies ample proof that the
harboring of the hunted slave early became a source of annoyance to
slave-owners. Laws against this misdemeanor, with curious penalties
attached, are included in the collections of statutes of various colonies
for example, in the Laws and Ordinances of New Netherlands, the Maryland
(Assembly Proceedings), the Acts of the Province of New
, the Province Laws of Pennsylvania, the Laws of Virginia, etc.
These statutes have been made accessible through their publication in
series of volumes, a good collection of which may be found in the State
Library in Boston. Among the most important editions are Leaming
and Spicer's collection for New Jersey, Hening's series of Virginia Statutes
at Large, Bacon's collection for Maryland, and Iredel's edition of
South Carolina Statutes.

The history of our national legislation respecting fugitive slaves may
be traced in outline in the Journals of the Senate and House. For the
voicing of the need of this legislation, which one would naturally expect
to find in the speeches of members from the Southern states, one must
turn to the Annals of Congress, covering the period from 1789 to 1824,
the Congressional Debates, for the period from 1824 to 1837, and the Congressional
from 1833 to 1864. The provisions of the Fugitive Slave
laws one may find, of course, in the Statutes at Large, and some of the
effects of the law of 1850 may be studied in a pamphlet entitled The
fugitive Slave Law and Its Victims
, compiled by Samuel May, Jr., and
first published in 1856. An enlarged edition of this pamphlet was issued
in 1861.

14. Contemporaneous and Modern Books on Slavery.

Under this heading are brought for convenience several different
classes of books on slavery. The first of these classes comprises the
three small volumes, published during the interval from 1816 to 1826,
in which immediate emancipation was advocated by the Rev. George
Bourne, the Rev. James Duncan, and the Rev. John Rankin. Our interest
here in the teaching of these men arises primarily from the circumstance
that two of them, at least, are known to have done what they
could to advance the work of the Underground Railroad, while all of
them lived, at the time of the appearance of their books, on or near the
border line over which came the trembling fugitive in search of freedom.

Another class is made up of volumes descriptive of slavery. Such are
Mrs. Frances A. Kemble's Journal of a Residence on a Georgian Plantation
in 1836–1839
, Frederick Law Olmsted's Cotton Kingdom, G. M. Weston's


Page 387
Progress of Slavery in the United States, and a book that has but
recently come from the press, Edward Ingle's Southern Sidelights.

In a third class must be grouped such recent monographs as Mrs.
Marion G. McDougall's Fugitive Slaves, and Miss Mary Tremaine's Slavery
in the District of Columbia
. The former has been found to be especially
serviceable, not only because of its subject matter, but also because
of its numerous and accurate references and its long list of notable fugitive
slave cases.

15. Secondary Works

One will seek in vain in the secondary works for an adequate account
of the Underground Railroad, or a proper estimate of its importance,
whether one looks in the general histories of the United States, such as
the works of Von Holst, Schouler, and Rhodes, the more condensed
books of which we have an example in Prof. J. W. Burgess's The Middle
, or the histories of slavery, like Wilson's Rise and Fall of the Slave
Power in America
, Greeley's American Conflict, Williams' History of the
Negro Race
, and Willey's History of the Anti-Slavery Cause in State and
. These works are important for their dïscussions from different
points of view of the political forces and constitutional questions involved
in the struggle for emancipation, and in general they present descriptions
of the famous contested fugitive slave cases and cases of rescue, but they
have failed, on account of the small amount of evidence hitherto available,
to arrive at a proper view of the political significance of the underground

16. Libraries

While the great mass of evidence that has made this volume possible
was collected by field work, the author did not neglect to search libraries,
both public and private, in the prosecution of his undertaking. He was
able to make use of the public libraries of Cincinnati, besides the private
library of Major E. C. Dawes of that city, the state library, and the
library of Ohio State University at Columbus, the library of C. M.
Burton, Esq., of Detroit, Michigan, and during two years' residence in
Cambridge, Massachusetts, he was able to avail himself of the splendid
collections of anti-slavery books and pamphlets to be found in the
Boston Public Library and the library of Harvard University. The
materials for the chapter on "Prosecutions of Underground Railroad
Men" were gathered in the Harvard Law Library.


Page 388


Levi Coffin. Reminiscences of Levi Coffin, the Reputed President of
the Underground Railroad; being a Brief History of the Labors of a
Lifetime in Behalf of the Slave, with the Stories of Numerous Fugitives,
who gained their Freedom through his Instrumentality; and Many
Other Incidents. Second Edition. Cincinnati, 1880.

Ascott R. Hope (a nom de plume for Robert Hope Monerieff).
Heroes in Homespun, 1894.

H. U. Johnson. From Dixie to Canada. Romances and Realities of
the Underground Railroad. (Reprinted from the Lake Shore and Home
Magazine.) Vol. I. Orwell, Ohio, 1894.

Rev. W. M. Mitchell. The Underground Railroad. London, 1860.

Eber M. Pettit. Sketches in the History of the Underground Railroad;
comprising Many Thrilling Incidents of the Escape of Fugitives
from Slavery, and the Perils of those who aided them. Fredonia, N. Y.,

R. C. Smedley. History of the Underground Railroad in Chester and
the Neighboring Counties of Pennsylvania. Lancaster, Pa., 1883.

William Still. Underground Railroad Records. Revised Edition.
With a Life of the Author. Narrating the Hardships, Hairbreadth.
Escapes, and Death Struggles of the Slaves in their Efforts for Freedom.
Together with Sketches of Some of the Eminent Friends of Freedom,
and Most Liberal Aiders and Advisers of the Road. Hartford, Conn.,


Austin Bearse. Remembrances of Fugitive Slave Days in Boston.
Boston, 1880. (Pamphlet.)

Henry Thomas Butterworth. Reminiscences and Memories of
Henry Thomas Butterworth and Nancy Irwin Wales, His Wife, with
Some Account of their Golden Wedding. Nov. 3,1880. Lebanon, Ohio,
1886. (Pamphlet.)

Elizabeth Buffum Chace. Anti-Slavery Reminiscences. Central
Falls., R.I., 1891. (Pamphlet.)

James Freeman Clarke. Anti-Slavery Days. A Sketch of the Struggle
which ended in the Abolition of Slavery in the United States. New
York, 1883.

Daniel Drayton. Personal Memoirs, etc., including a Narrative of
the Voyage and Capture of the Schooner Pearl. Published by the American
and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society. Boston and New York, 1855.


Page 389

The Rev. Calvin Fairbank. During Slavery Times. How he
"Fought the Good Fight" to Prepare "the Way." Edited from his
Manuscript. Chicago, 1890.

Josiah Bushnell Grinnell. Men and Events of Forty Years.
Autobiographical Reminiscences of an Active Career from 1850 to
1890. Boston, 1891.

Laura S. Haviland. A Woman's Life-work: Labors and Experiences
of Laura S. Haviland. Fourth Edition. Chicago, 1889.

Samuel J. May. Some Recollections of our Anti-Slavery Conflict.
Boston, 1869.

Joseph Morris. Reminiscences. Richland Township, Marion Co.,
Ohio. Date unknown.

A. G. Riddle. Recollections of War Times. New York, 1873.

George W. Julian. Political Recollections. 1840–1872. Chicago,

Dr. Alexander Milton Ross. Recollections and Experiences of
an Abolitionist. Second Edition. Toronto, 1876.


Charles Francis Adams. Richard Henry Dana. A Biography.
2 Vols. Vol.1. Boston, 1890.

George E. Baker, Editor. The Life of William H. Seward, with
Selections from his Works. 3 Vols. New York, 1853, 1861,1864.

A. L. Benedict. Memoir of Richard Dillingham. Philadelphia, 1852.

William Birney. James G. Birney and his Times. The Genesis of
the Republican Party, with Some Account of Abolition Movements in the
South before 1828. New York, 1890.

John Howard Bryant. Life and Poems. 1894.

Lydia Maria Child. Isaac T. Hopper: A True Life. Twelfth
Thousand. Boston, 1854.

J. F. H. Claiborne. Life and Correspondence of John A. Quitman.
2 Vols. New York, 1860.

W. G. Deshler and Others. Memorial on the Death of James M.
Westwater. Published by the Board of Trade, Columbus, Ohio, 1894.

O. B. Frothingham. Life of Gerrit Smith. New York, 1878.

Wendell Phillips Garrison and Francis Jackson Garrison.
William Lloyd Garrison, 1805–1879: The Story of his Life, told by
his Children. 4 Vols. 8vo. New York, 1885.

Mrs. Anna D. Hallowell. James and Lueretia Mott. Life and
Letters. Boston, 1884.


Page 390

Rev. D. Heagle. The Great Anti-Slavery Agitator, Hon. Owen Lovejoy
as a Gospel Minister, with a Collection of his Sayings in Congress.
Princeton, Ill., 1886. (Pamphlet.)

Richard J. Hinton. John Brown and his Men, with Some Account
of the Roads they traveled to reach Harper's Ferry. New York,

In Memoriam. John Hossack. Deceased Nov. 8, 1891. (Reprinted
from the Republican Times,) Ottawa, 111., 1892. (Pamphlet.)

Oliver Johnson. William Lloyd Garrison and his Times. Boston,

George W. Julian. Life of Joshua R. Giddings. Chicago, 1892.

Memoir of Jervis Langdon, Elmira, N.Y. (Pamphlet.)

J. C. Leggett. Oration. Ceremonies attendant upon the Unveiling of
a Bronze Bust and Granite Monument of Rev. John Rankin. (Ripley,
Ohio), 1892. (Pamphlet.)

Thomas J. Mumford, Editor. Memoir of S. J. May. Boston, 1873.

John G. Nicolay and John Hay. Abraham Lincoln. A History.
Vol. III. New York, 1890.

C. C. Olin. A Complete Record of the John Olin Family. Indianapolis,

Mrs. L. D. Parker. Scrap-book containing Newspaper Clippings, etc.,
relating to Theodore Parker and Others. Boston Public Library.

Theodore Parker. Scrap-book collection, with Hand-bills and his
own Manuscript relating to Anthony Burns. Boston Public Library.

E. L. Pierce. Memoir and Letters of Charles Sumner. 4 Vols. Vols.
III and IV. Boston, 1877–1893.

Florence and H. Cordelia Ray. Sketch of the Life of Rev. Charles
B. Ray. New York, 1887.(?)

James Redpath. The Public Life of Captain John Brown, with an
Autobiography of his Childhood and Youth. Boston, 1860.

F. B. Sanborn. The Life and Letters of John Brown, Liberator of
Kansas, and Martyr of Virginia. Boston, 1885.

——. Dr. S. G. Howe, The Philanthropist. New York,

J. W. Schuckers. The Life and Public Services of Salmon Portland
Chase, United States Senator, and Governor of Ohio; Secretary of the
Treasury, and Chief Justice of the United States. New York, 1874.

F. W. Seward. Seward at Washington, as Senator and Secretary of
State. 2 Vols. New York, 1891.

C. E. Stowe. Life of Harriet Beecher Stowe: compiled from her
Letters and Journals. Boston, 1889.

Miss C. C. Thayer. Two Scrap-books relating to Theodore Parker.
Boston Public Library.


Page 391

Robert B. Warden. An Account of the Private Life and Public
Services of Samuel Portland Chase. Cincinnati, 1874.

John Weiss. Life and Correspondence of Theodore Parker. 2 Vols.
New York, 1864.


W. I. Bowditch. The Rendition of Anthony Burns. Boston, 1850.

Sarah H. Bradford. Harriet, The Moses of Her People. New
York, 1886.

Boston Slave Riot and Trial of Anthony Burns. Boston, 1854.

William W. Brown. Narrative of William W. Brown. A Fugitive
Slave. Second Edition. Boston, 1848.

Frederick Douglass. My Bondage and My Freedom. Part I.—
Life as a Slave. Part II.—Life as a Freeman. With an Introduction
by Dr. James M'Cune Smith. New York and Auburn, 1855.

——. Life and Times of Frederick Douglass, Written by
himself. His Early Life as a Slave, His Escape from Bondage, and His
Complete History to the Present Time. With an Introduction by Mr.
George L. Ruffin, of Boston. Hartford, Conn., 1881.

Josiah Henson. Life of Josiah Henson, formerly a Slave, now an
Inhabitant of Canada, as narrated by himself. Preface by T. Binney.
Boston, 1849.

——. Story of His Own Life with an Introduction by Mrs.
H. B. Stowe. Boston, 1858.

Rev. J. W. Loguen. As a Slave and as a Freeman. Syracuse, N.Y.,

Mrs. K. E. R. Pickard. The Kidnapped and Ransomed. Personal
Reflections of Peter Still and his Wife Vina after Forty Years of Slavery.
Syracuse, N.Y., 1856.

Charles Stearns. Narrative of Henry Box Brown, who escaped
from Slavery enclosed in a Box 3 feet long and 2 wide, written from a
Statement of Facts made by Himself. 1849.

Charles Emery Stevens. Anthony Burns. A History. Boston.

Austin Steward. Twenty-two Years a Slave, and Forty Years a
Freeman; Embracing a Correspondence of Several Years, While President
of Wilberforce Colony, London, Canada West. Rochester, N.Y.,


Page 392


George Bryce. Short History of the Canadian People. London,

John Charles Dent. The Last Forty Years, Canada Since the
Union of 1841. Vol. I, 1881.

Benjamin Drew. A North-Side View of Slavery: The Refugee, or
the Narratives of Fugitive Slaves in Canada related by Themselves
with an Account of the History and Conditions of the Colored Population
of Upper Canada. Boston, 1856.

J. C. Hamilton. Slavery in Canada. Magazine of American History,
Vol. XXV.

Samuel G. Howe. The Refugees from Slavery in Canada West.
Report to Freedman's Inquiry Committee. Boston, 1864.

John M. McMullen. History of Canada. 2 Vols, Vol. II, 1892.



A. T. Andreas. History of Chicago from the Earliest Period to the
Present Time. Chicago, 1884.

S. J. Clarke. History of McDonough County, Ill. Springfield, Ill.,

History of Knox County, Ill.; with Record of its Volunteers in the
late War, Portraits, Biographical Sketches, History of Illinois, etc.
Chicago, 1878.

Edward G. Mason. Early Chicago and Illinois. Chicago, 1890.

George H. Woodruff. Forty Years Ago. A Contribution to the
Early History of Joliet, and Will County, Ill. 1874.

——. History of Will County, Ill. 1878.


History of Henry County, Ind.

History of Wayne County, Ind., from its First Settlement to the
Present Time; with numerous Biographical and Family Sketches.
Cincinnati, 1872.


L. P. Allen and Others. The History of Clinton County, Iowa,
containing a History of the County, its Cities, Towns, etc. Chicago,


Page 393


Leonard Bolles Ellis. History of New Bedford and its Vicinity,
1602–1892. Syracuse, N.Y., 1892.

Mason A. Green. Springfield, (Mass.) 1836–1886. History of Town
and City, including an Account of the Quarter-Millennial Celebration.
Issued by the Authority and Direction of the City. Springfield, 1888.

Joseph Marsh. Article on "The Underground Railway," in the
History of Florence, Mass.


Silas Farmer. Article on "Slavery and the Colored Race," in the
History of Detroit and Michigan. Detroit, 1884.

E. G. Rust. Calhoun County (Mich.) Business Directory. For 1869–
1870. Together with a History of the County. Battle Creek, Mich.,

New York.

George Rogers Howell and Jonathan Tenny, Editors, assisted
by Local Writers. Bi-Centennial History of Albany, N.Y., with Portraits
and Biographies and Illustrations. New York, 1886.

Benson John Lossing. The Empire State. A Compendious History
of the Commonwealth of New York. Hartford, Conn., 1888.

Andrew W. Young. History of the Town of Warsaw, New York.
Buffalo, 1869.


History of Ashtabula County, Ohio; with Illustrations and Biographical
Sketches of its Pioneers and Most Prominent Men. Philadelphia,
Williams Bros., 1878. Article on the Underground Railroad contributed
by S. D. Peet.

Alexander Black. The Story of Ohio. Boston, 1888.

Rev. Henry Bushnell. The History of Granville, Licking Co., Ohio.
Columbus, 1889.

James H. Fairchild. Oberlin—The Colony and the College.
Oberlin, Ohio, 1883.

History of Franklin and Pickaway Counties, Ohio.

History of Geauga and Lake Counties, Ohio, with Illustrations and
Biographical Sketches of its Pioneers and Most Prominent Men. Philadelphia,
Williams Bros., 1878.

Henry Howe. Historical Collections of Ohio. 3 Vols. Columbus,

Rufus King. Ohio, First Fruits of the Ordinance of 1787. Boston
and New York, 1888.


Page 394

Alfred E. Lee. History of the City of Columbus. New York and
Chicago, 1892. Chapter XXXI, by Leander J. Critchfield, on "Bench
and Bar."

W. H. McIntosh and Others. The History of Darke County, Ohio:
containing a History of the County; its Cities, Towns, etc. Chicago,

William T. Martin. History of Franklin County. Columbus,
Ohio, 1858.

History of Medina County, Ohio.

J. R. Shipherd. History of the Oberlin-Wellington Rescue, with an
Introduction by Prof. Henry C. Peck and Hon. Ralph Plum. Boston

Jacob H. Studer. Columbus, Ohio; Its History, Resources, and
Progress. Columbus, 1873.

History of Summit County, Ohio.

History of Washington County, Ohio, with Illustrations and Biographical
Sketches. H. Z. Williams and Bros., Publishers. Cleveland,
Ohio, 1881.


J. Smith Futhey and Gilbert Cope. History of Chester County,
Pa., with Genealogical and Biographical Sketches. Philadelphia, 1881.


C. W. Butterfield and Others. History of Waukesha County,
Wis.; preceded by a History of Wisconsin. Chicago, 1880.

R. G. Thwaites. The Story of Wisconsin. Boston, 1891.


F. Bowen. Extradition of Fugitive Slaves. North American Review,
Vol. LXXI, July, 1850.

S. E. B. Fugitive Slaves in Ohio. Once a Week, Vol. VI, June 14,

Richard Burton. The Author of Uncle Tom's Cabin. Century
Magazine, 1896.

Thomas E. Champion. The Underground Railroad and One of its
Operators. The Canadian Magazine of Politics, Science, Art and Literature,
May, 1895.

George Willis Cooke. Article on Harriet Beecher Stowe. New
England Magazine, September, 1896.

Fugitive Slave Law; Shall it be Enforced? The Democratic Review,
Vol. V, 1851.


Page 395

Archibald H. Grimke. Anti-Slavery Boston. New England Magazine,
December, 1890.

Thomas Wentworth Higginson. Cheerful Yesterdays. Atlantic
Monthly, March, 1897.

G. W. E. Hill. Underground Railroad Adventures. The Midland
Monthly Magazine, Des Moines, Iowa, 1895.

John Hutchins. The Underground Railroad. Magazine of Western
History, Cleveland, Ohio, March, 1887.

H. U. Johnson. Romances and Realities of the Underground Railroad.
Lake Shore and Home Magazine, July, 1885 to May, 1888.

Lida Rose Mccabe. The Oberlin-Wellington Rescue. Godey's
Magazine, October, 1896.

H. F. Paden. Underground Railroad Reminiscences. Firelands
Pioneer, Norwalk, Ohio, July, 1888.

Wilbur H. Siebert. The Underground Railroad for the Liberation
of Fugitive Slaves. Annual Report of the American Historical Association
for 1895.

——. Light on the Underground Railroad, with Map.
American Historical Review, April, 1896.

Rush R. Sloane. The Underground Railroad of the Firelands.
Firelands Pioneer, July, 1888.

G. T. Stewart. The Ohio Fugitive Slave Law. Firelands Pioneer,
July, 1888.

Nina Moore Tiffany. Stories of the Fugitive Slaves. New England
Magazine, (William and Ellen Craft) January, 1890; (Shadrach)
May, 1890; (Sims) June, 1890; (Anthony Burns) July, 1890.

Charles Dudley Warner. The Story of Uncle Tom's Cabin.
Atlantic Monthly, September, 1896.

Lillie B. C. Wyman. Black and White [Margaret Garner]. New
England Magazine, N. S., Vol. V; Harriet Tubman. Ibid., March, 1896.

Captain C. Woodruff. Some Experiences in Abolition Times.
Firelands Pioneer, July, 1888.


Andover Old and New. Boston Evening Transcript, May 16,1896.

Hilip Atkinson. Anecdotes of Owen Lovejoy. New York Weekly
, Oct. 2, 1895.

Aaron Benedict. The Underground Railroad. Sentinel, Mt Gilead,
Ohio, July 13, 20, 27, Aug. 3, 10, 1893.

Robert W. Carroll. An Underground Railway. Cincinnati Times-Star,
Aug. 19, 1890.

The Cleveland Fugitive Slave Case. Cleveland Herald, 1861.


Page 396

Nathan Coggeshall. Reminiscences of the "Underground R. R."
Leader, Marion, Ind., Feb. 15, 1896.

Judge Joseph Cox. Early Cincinnati. Cincinnati Times-Star, Feb.
6, 1891.

Mary E. Crocker. The Fugitive Slave Law and its Workings.
Fitchburg (Mass.) Daily Sentinel, Oct. 31, 1893.

E. C. Dawes. Some Local History. Marietta (Ohio) Tri-Weekly
, Aug. 30, 1890.

Teresa Dean. White City Chips. Daily Inter-Ocean, Chicago, 1893.

J. M. Donnohue. The Underground Railroad. Banner Times
Greencastle (Ind.), Dec. 16, 1895.

Exploits of Calvin Fairbank. Illustrated Buffalo Express, Jan. 29,

Fight for Freedom. Pittsburgh Dispatch, Feb. 13, 1898.

Mrs. J. M. Fitch. The Rescue of a Slave [Oberlin-Wellington
Rescue Case]. New York Sun, April 7, 1895.

W. B. Fyffe. A History of Anti-Slavery Days and Afterwards.
Pontiac (Ill.) Sentinel, 1890–1891.

William Lloyd Garrison. The Liberator.

Marianna Gibbons. In Slavery Days. Lewiston Gazette, reprinted
in Bedford (Pa.) Enquirer. Date unknown.

Glorious Old Thief [Calvin Fairbank]. Chicago Tribune, Jan. 29,

Homas L. Gray. Underground Railroad. New Lexington (Ohio)
Tribune, October, 1885, February 1886.

Josiah Hartzell. And Milly and Martha were Free; a True
Story of the Underground Railway of Later Slavery Days. Cleveland
Leader, Feb. 16, 1896.

Helped Many Slaves; William Cratty talks of Underground Railroad
Days. Chicago Evening Post, July 18, 1893.

E. Huftelen. Local History; The Underground Railroad of Forty
Years Ago. Spirit of the Times, Batavia, Genesee County, N. Y., Feb. 8,

——. The Underground Railroad. Some of its Early
History, by a Le Roy Man. (Same as the preceding article.) Le Roy
Gazette, Genesee County, N.Y., Feb. 26, 1896.

M. E. H. A Reminiscence of Slave Times. Miami (Ohio) Union,
April 10, 1895.

William T. Kelley. Underground R. R. Reminiscences. Friends'
Intelligencer and Journal
, Fourth Month 2, 9, Fifth Month 28, 1898.

John Kennedy. Local History. Batavia Times, Genesee County,
N.Y., Feb. 15, 1896.

George S, Mcdowell. Uncle Tom's Cabin; Originals of Some of


Page 397
the Characters in the Great Book. Cincinnati Commercial Gazette. Date

Dr. Edward H. Magill. When Men Were Sold; the Underground
Railroad in Bucks County. The Bucks County (Pa.) Intelligencer,
Feb. 3, 1898. The same in Friends' Intelligencer and Journal, Second
Month l9, 26, Third Month 5, 12, 1898.

——. Underground Railroad Additions. Friends' Intelligencer
and Journal
, Fourth Month 16, 1898.

Charles Merrick. Reminiscences of the Jerry Rescue. Northern Christian Advocate, Nov. 15, 1893.

J. B. Naylor. A Spike From the Underground Railway. Ohio,
Farmer Aug. 1, 8, 1895. Signed, S. Q. Lapius.

David Newport. Fugitive Slaves. Friends' Intelligencer and Journal,
Sixth Month 11, 1898.

Mrs. J. F. Nicholson. Memoirs of Long Ago. Western Star (Ind.),
Dec. 10, 1885.

An Old House with a Wonderful History. Marysville (Ohio), Tribune,
May 17, 1893.

Douglas P. Putnam. A Station on the Old Underground Railroad.
Marietta (Ohio) Register, Oct. 25, 1894.

Recollections of the "Underground Railroad" of Antebellum Days.
Felicity (Ohio) Times, July 6, 1893.

Reminiscences of Slavery. Marietta (Ohio) Daily Register, Jan. 12,

Carlton Rice. Reminiscent. Oneida, Madison County, N.Y., May
16, 20, 23, 1896.

L. L. Rice. Lewis and Milton Clark. Geneva (Ohio) Times, Sept. 14,

A. M. Ross. A Democratic Abolitionist. Somerset (Pa.) Standard,
Jan. 31, 1896.

The Semi-Centennial of the First Church. Galesburg (Ill.) Republican
, March 5, 1887.

John Shearer. Old Uncle Joe Mayo. Marysville (Ohio) Tribune,
April 27, 1881.

Sketches of the Life of Carver Tomlinson; assisted in the Great
"Underground Railroad." Lostant Reporter (La Salle Co., Ill.), Aug.
10, 1896.

Slavery Days Recalled. Detroit Free Press, Jan. 24, 1893.

In Slavery Days. New Castle (Ind.) Daily News, March 5, 1897.

Slave Raid. Story of the Pearl Expedition. Interesting Episode of
Antebellum Days. The Failure of the Affair. Some Very Exciting
Scenes. From the Washington Post, reprinted in the Cincinnati Enquirer,
Sept. 14, 1895.


Page 398

Giles B. Stebbins. Thomas Garrett. Detroit Post, 1871.

Stories of Runaway Slaves. Detroit Sunday News-Tribune, Aug. 12,

Stories of Runaway Slaves. From. Detroit Sunday News-Tribune, reprinted
in Louisville (Ky.) Sunday Morning Journal, Aug. 12, 1894.

Story of Calvin Fairbank. Cincinnati Commercial Gazette, March 18,

James Stout. A Bit of History; the Rescue of the Slave, Jim Gray,
in 1859. Pontiac Sentinel, Livingston Co., Ill., 1890.

Rev. John Todd. Reminiscences of the Early Settlement and Growth
of Western Iowa. Tabor (Iowa) Beacon, 1890–1891.

E. Hicks Trueblood. Reminiscences of the Underground Railroad.
Republican Leader, Salem, Ind., Nov. 17, Dec. 1, 1893, Jan. 26, Feb. 2, 23,
March 2,16, 23, April 6, 27, 1894.

John W. Tuttle and F. P. Ames. Reminiscences of Slavery. Marietta
(Ohio) Register, 1893–1894. Four articles.

Two Good Men. Sketch of the Lives of John B. Tolman and S. Silsbee;
Reminiscences of the Underground Railroad. Lynn (Mass.) Daily
Evening Item
, Dec. 19. Year unknown.

The Underground Railroad. Chicago Inter-Ocean Curiosity Shop, 1881,

The Underground Railroad. From a History of Hancock County,
dated 1880. La Harper, Hancock Co., Ill., April 3, 1896.

The Underground Railroad. Ohio State Journal, Nov. 14,1894.

James M. Westwater, Pioneer Merchant and Friend of the Oppressed.
Columbus (Ohio) Dispatch, Feb. 21, 1894.

Where Harriet Beecher Stowe witnessed the Scenes depicted in her
Uncle Tom's Cabin. Cincinnati Enquirer (Supplement), Nov. 3,1895.

Rufus R. Wilson. Exploits of Calvin Fairbank. Illustrated Buffalo
, Jan. 29, 1893.

Joel Wood. Noticed in the Martin's Ferry (Ohio) Evening Times,
May 2,1892.


Acts and Laws of His Majestie's Colony of Connecticut, 239 (1730?).

Maryland Archives, Assembly Proceedings, 147, May, 1666.

Charters and Laws of the Colony and Province of Massachusetts Bay,
750, October, 1718.

New Jersey Laws, 82, May 30,1668.

Laws and Ordinances of New Netherlands, 32, Aug. 7, 1640; 32, April
13, 1642; 104, Oct. 6, 1648.

Laws of New Netherlands, 344, April 9, 1658.


Page 399

Acts of Province of New York from 1691 to 1718; 58, 1702.

Acts of Province of New York, 77, 1705; 218, 1715.

Laws of North Carolina, 89, 1741; 371, 1779.

Province Laws of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, 1725; Province Laws of
Pennsylvania, 325 (1726?).

Plymouth Colony Records, IX, 5, Aug. 29, 1643. (Fugitive Slave
Clause of the Articles of Confederation.)

Records of Colony of Rhode Island, 177, Oct. 27, 1714.

Hening, Laws of Virginia, I, 401, March, 1655–1656; II, 239, October,
1666; II, October, 1705; IV, 168, May, 1726.

Annals of Congress, 1789–1824.

Thomas Hart Benton. Abridgment of the Debates of Congress
from 1789 to 1856. 16 Vols. Washington, 1857–1861.

Congressional Debates, 1824–1837.

Congressional Globe, 1833–(1873).

Journals (House and Senate).

Samuel May, Jr. The Fugitive Slave Law and Its Victims. New
York, 1856. Enlarged Edition, N.Y., 1861.

J. H. Merriam. Legislative History of the Ordinance of 1787.
Worcester, 1888.

Niles' Weekly Register, September, 1828, to March, 1829. Vol. XXXV.

Joel Parker. Personal Liberty Laws, and Slavery in the Territories
(pamphlet). Boston, 1861.

Statutes at Large.

George M. Stroud. A Sketch of the Laws relating to Slavery in the
Several States of America. Second Edition with Alterations and Considerable
Additions. Philadelphia, 1856.

Henry Wilson. History of the Antislavery Measures of the Thirty-seventh
and Thirty-eighth United States Congresses, 1861–1864. Boston,


Rev. George Bourne. The Book and Slavery Irreconcilable. Philadelphia,
1816.—A summary of this book by Wm. Orland Bourne, under
the title "Anti-Slavery Leaders; the Pioneer Abolitionist." Boston
, July 25, 1885.

William Chambers. American Slavery and Colour. London, 1857.

Ezra B. Chase. Teachings of Patriots and Statesmen, or the
"Founders of the Republic" on Slavery. Philadelphia, 1860.

John Nelson Davidson. Negro Slavery in Wisconsin. Address
delivered before the State Historical Society of Wisconsin, December,


Page 400

Rev. James Duncan. A Treatise on Slavery, in which is shown
forth the Evil of Slaveholding, both from the Light of Nature and
Divine Revelation. Vevay, Ind., 1824.

William Goodell. Slavery and Anti-Slavery; a History of the
Great Struggle in Both Hemispheres; with a view of the Slavery
Question in the United States. New York, 1852.

Edward Ingle. Southern Sidelights; a Picture of Social and
Economic Life in the South a Generation before the War. New York,

Francis Anne Kemble. Journal of a Residence on a Georgian
Plantation in 1836–1839. New York, 1863.

Marion Gleason McDougall. Fugitive Slaves (1619–1865). Fay
House Monographs, No. 3. Boston, 1891.

Frederick Law Olmsted. The Cotton Kingdom. 2 Vols. New
York, 1861.

Rev. John Rankin. Letters on American Slavery addressed to Mr.
Thomas Rankin, Merchant at Middlebrook, Augusta County, Virginia.
(First published in 1826.) Fifth edition. Boston, 1838.

J. B. Robinson. Pictures of Slavery and Anti-Slavery; Advantages
of Negro Slavery and the Benefits of Negro Freedom. Philadelphia,

Harriet Beecher Stowe. A Key to Uncle Tom's Cabin, presenting
the Original Facts and Documents upon which the Story is founded,
together with Corroborative Statements verifying the Truth of the
Work. Boston, 1853.

Mary Tremain. Slavery in the District of Columbia; the Policy of
Congress and the Struggle for Abolition. New York, 1892.

G. M. Weston. Progress of Slavery in the United States. Washington,
D.C., 1858.


Annual Reports presented to the Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Society
by its Board of Managers. See Reports 13, 15, 18, 19.

Annual Reports of the Pennsylvania Anti-Slavery Society.

Danvers Historical Society. Old Anti-Slavery Days. Proceedings
of the Commemorative Meeting held by the Danvers Historical
Society at the Town Hall, Danvers, April 26, 1893; with Introduction,
Letters, and Sketches. Danvers, Mass., 1893.

James H. Fairchild. The Underground Railroad. Tract No. 87 in
Vol. IV. Western Reserve Historical Society. An Address delivered
for the Society in Association Hall, Cleveland, Ohio, Jan. 24, 1895.


Page 401

First Annual Report presented to the Anti-Slavery Society of Canada
by its Executive Committee. Toronto, March 24, 1852.

Vroman Mason. The Fugitive Slave Law in Wisconsin, with Reference
to the Nullification Sentiment. State Historical Society of Wisconsin,

Refugees' Home Society. Report of Committee. Winsor, 1852.

Henry Wade Rogers, Editor. Constitutional History of the United
States as seen in the Development of American Law. Lectures before
the Political Science Association of the University of Michigan. New
York, 1889.

Seventh Annual Report of the Canada Mission. Rochester, N.Y.


A. C. Applegarth, Ph.D. Quakers in Pennsylvania. Baltimore,

William Hodgson. The Society of Friends in the Nineteenth
Century; a Historical View of the Successive Convulsions and Schisms
during the Period. Vol. II. Philadelphia, 1875.

Holland N. McTyeire, D.D. History of Methodism; with some
Account of the Doctrine and Polity of the Episcopal Methodism in the
United States down to 1884. Nashville, Tenn., 1887.

William B. Sprague, D.D. Annals of the American Pulpit.

Professor A. C. Thomas. The Society of Friends. In Vol. XII of
the American Church History Series. 1894.

Robert E. Thompson, D.D. History of the Presbyterian Churches
in the United States. American Church History Series, New York,

Stephen B. Weeks, Ph.D. Southern Quakers and Slavery; a Study
in Institutional History. Baltimore, 1896.


John W. Burgess. The Middle Period, 1817–1858. New York,

James Ford Rhodes. History of the United States from the Compromise
of 1850. 3 Vols. New York, 1893.

James Schouler. History of the United States under the Constitution.
Vols. III, IV, V. Washington, 1880. New York, 1880–1891.

H. E. Von Holst. Constitutional and Political History of the
United States. Chicago, 1877–1892.

Rev. Austin Willey. The History of the Anti-Slavery Cause in
State and Nation. Portland, Maine, 1886.


Page 402

George W. Williams. History of the Negro Race in America from
1619 to 1880. 2 Vols. New York, 1883.

Henry Wilsok. History of the Rise and Fall of the Slave Power in
America. 3 Vols. Boston, 1872–1877.

J. S. Walton and M. G. Brumbaugh. Stories of Pennsylvania.
New York, 1897.

Woodrow Wilson. Division and Reunion, 1829–1889. New York


Harriet Beecher Stowe. Uncle Tom's Cabin.

J. M. C. Simpson. The Emancipation Car, being an Original Composition
of Anti-Slavery Ballads, composed exclusively for the Underground
Railroad. Janesville, Ohio, 1874.

Charles Humphrey Roberts. Down the Ohio (a work of fiction,
containing scenes from the Underground Railroad). Chicago, 1891.

John Greenleaf Whittier. Poetical Works (anti-slavery poems
printed in Vol. III of the Riverside edition). Boston, 1896.