University of Virginia Library

With splendor that all former glory eclipsed,
Shone hell's vast council-hall; a wondrous blaze
Of sun-fired diamond. With astonishment struck,—
From outer darkness entering,—suddenly paused
The great Arch-Fiend, to gaze. From roof to floor,—
From floor to roof,—from side to side, he glanced:
Again from floor to roof,—from roof to floor,—
From side to side, he turned: in wonder lost,
To see heaven's brightness there. With no less joy,
Wonder, and triumph, the whole host looked round,
Speechless and motionless,—that, for a time,
Was silence deep throughout.
But the fierce wrath
Not long could rest. That the unnumbered eyes,
Lightening together, most might wither him,—
Full in the front of the great semi-cirque,—
Accusers, judges, executioners too,—
On a low rock, the sinner against hell,
The contrite Spirit was placed. Not far removed,
Upon a loftier height, the towering form
Of Satan appeared; accuser chief, and judge
Inexorable. But, with other thought
Than vengeance, first seemed filled; though subtly so,
Vengeance to make the hotter. With raised head,


And arms outstretched, toward the sun-blazing roof,
Vast as a sky, he pointed; and, with voice
Exultant, as, to mortal sense, appears
Trumpet of victory, thus his proud thoughts spake.