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The Works of Edmund Spenser

A Variorum Edition: Edited by Edwin Greenlaw: Charles Grosvenor Osgood: Frederick Morgan Padelford: Ray Heffner

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To the right honourable and most vertuous Lady, the Countesse of Penbroke.

Remembraunce of that most Heroicke spirit,
The heuens pride, the glory of our daies,
Which now triumpheth through immortall merit
Of his braue vertues, crownd with lasting baies,
Of heuenlie blis and euerlasting praies;
Who first my Muse did lift out of the flore,
To sing his sweet delights in lowlie laies;
Bids me most noble Lady to adore
His goodly image liuing euermore,
In the diuine resemblaunce of your face;
Which with your vertues ye embellish more,
And natiue beauty deck with heuenlie grace:
For his, and for your owne especial sake,
Vouchsafe from him this token in good worth to take.
E. S.