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The most elegant and witty epigrams of Sir Iohn Harrington

... digested into fovre bookes: three whereof neuer before published

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54 Of the Papists Feasts, and the Brownists Fasts.

54 Of the Papists Feasts, and the Brownists Fasts.

A Papist dwelling to a Brownist neere,
Their seruants met, and vanted of their cheere,
And first, the Papists man did make his bost,
He had each festiuall both bak't and rost,
And where (said he) your zealous sort allow,
On Christmasse day it selfe to goe to plow,
We feast, and play, and walke, and talk, and slumb
Besides, our holy dayes are more in number:
As namely, we doe keepe with great festiuity,
Our Ladies, both assumption and natiuity;

S. Pauls conuersion, S. Iohns decollation,
S. Laurence broyld, S. Swithens moyst translation,
S. Peters chaines, and how with Angels vision
He brake the prison, quite without misprision.
I grant, the tother said, you seeme more gainesome,
But for your sport, you pay too deare a ransome.
We like your Feasts, your Fastings bred our greeues,
Your Lents, your Ember weekes, and holy Eeues.
But this coniunction I should greatly praise,
The Brownists fasts, with Papists holy daies.