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The most elegant and witty epigrams of Sir Iohn Harrington

... digested into fovre bookes: three whereof neuer before published

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53 To Doctor Sharpe.

Late I tooke leaue of two right noble dames,
And hasted to my wife as I protested:
You will'd me stay awhile, and thus you iested:
You Sir, may please your Wife with Epigrams.
Well said, 'twas Doctor-like, and sharply spoken,
No friendship breakes, where iests so smooth are broken
But now you haue new orders tane of late,
Those orders, which (as you expound Saint Paul)
Are equall honourable vnto all;
I meane of marriage the holy state,
I hope, in Lent, when flesh growes out of date,
You will, in stead of tother recreation,
Be glad to please your wife with some Collation