University of Virginia Library

Yet that their happy Voyage might not be
Without Times shortner, Heauen-taught Melodie
(Musicke that lent feet to the stable Woods,
And in their currents turn'd the mighty Floods:
Sorrowes sweet Nurse, yet keeping Ioy aliue:
Sad discontent's most welcome Corrasiue:
The soule of Art, best lou'd when Loue is by:
The kinde inspirer of sweet Poesie,
Lest thou should'st wanting be, when Swans would faine
Haue sung one Song, and neuer sung againe)
The gentle Shepherd hasting to the shore
Began this Lay, and tim'd it with his Oare:
Neuer more let holy Dee
O're other Riuers braue,
Or boast how (in his iollitie)
Kings row'd vpon his waue.


But silent be, and euer know
That Neptune for my Fare would row.
Those were Captiues. If he say
That now I am no other,
Yet she that beares my prisons key
Is fairer then Loues Mother;
A God tooke me, those, one lesse high:
They wore their bonds, so doe not I.
Swell then, gently swell, yee Floods,
As proud of what yee beare,
And Nymphs, that in low corrall Woods
String Pearles vpon your haire,
Ascend: and tell if ere this day
A fairer prize was seene at Sea.
See, the Salmons leape and bound
To please vs as we passe,
Each Mermaid on the Rocks around,
Lets fall her brittle glasse,
As they their beauties did despise,
And lou'd no mirrour but your eyes.
Blow, but gently blow, faire winde;
From the forsaken shore,
And be as to the Halcyon kinde,
Till we haue ferry'd o're:
So maist thou still have leaue to blow,
And fan the way where she shall goe.
Floods, and Nymphs, and Winds, and all
That see vs both together,
Into a disputation fall,
And then resolue me whether
The greatest kindnesse each can show,
Will quit our trust of you or no.