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§ 1.  Definitions. 
§ 2.  Permits. 
§ 3.  Equipment and appliances generally. 
§ 4.  Infectious diseases. 
§ 5.  Keeping in cleanly condition. 
§ 6.  Use of combs, brushes, etc. 
§ 7.  Towels and wash cloths. 
§ 8.  Cleansing hands before serving customers. 
§ 9.  Use of alum, etc. 
§ 10.  Coverings for head rests. 
§ 11.  Shaving persons with skin infections. 
§ 12.  Treating skin diseases. 
§ 13.  Posting copy of regulations. 
§ 14.  Penalty. 

Sec. 1. Definitions.

(a) Barber. The word "barber" as used in this chapter means
any person who shaves, or trims the beard, or cuts or dresses the
hair of any other person for pay, and includes "barber's apprentices"
and barbershop boys, and beauty shop operators.

(b) Manager. The word "manager" means any person having
for the time being control of the premises and of persons working
or employed therein. (1932 Code, § 417.)

Sec. 2. Permits.

No person shall conduct a barbershop or hairdressing parlor
without a permit to do so, such permit being issued by the health
officer upon approval of the sanitary conditions and methods used
in conducting such business. Such permit shall expire on December
31st of each year, but shall be revoked at any time upon the
violation of any provision of this chapter. The fee for such permit
shall be one dollar. (Id.)

Sec. 3. Equipment and appliances generally.

The owner and the manager of any barbershop shall equip said


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shop and keep said shop equipped with running hot and cold water
and with all such appliances, furnishings and material that may be
necessary to enable persons employed in and about the shop to
comply with the requirements of these regulations. (Id.)

Sec. 4. Infectious diseases.

No owner and no manager of a barbershop shall knowingly permit
any person suffering from a communicable skin disease or
from venereal disease to act as a barber in said shop. No person
who to his knowledge is suffering from a communicable or from a
venereal disease shall act as a barber. (Id.)

Sec. 5. Keeping in cleanly condition.

Every manager of a barbershop shall keep said shop and all
furniture, tools, appliances and other equipment used therein at
all times in a cleanly condition. (Id.)

Sec. 6. Use of combs, brushes, etc.

No barber shall use for the service of any customer a comb, hair
brush, hair duster or any analogous article that is not thoroughly
clean, nor any mug, shaving brush, razor, shears, scissors, clippers
or tweezers that are not thoroughly clean or that have not been
sterilized since last used. (Id.)

Sec. 7. Towels and wash cloths.

No barber shall use for the service of a customer any towel, or
wash cloth, that has not been boiled and laundered since last used.

Sec. 8. Cleansing hands before serving customers.

Every barber shall cleanse his hands thoroughly immediately
before serving each customer. (Id.)

Sec. 9. Use of alum, etc.

No barber shall, to stop the flow of blood, use alum or other


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material unless the same be used as a powder or liquid and applied
on a clean towel or in a similar manner. (Id.)

Sec. 10. Coverings for head rests.

No barber shall permit any person to use the head rest of any
barber chair under his control until after the head rest has been
covered with a towel that has been washed since having been used
before, or by clean new paper. (Id.)

Sec. 11. Shaving persons with skin infections.

No barber shall shave any person when the surface to be shaved
is inflamed or broken out, or contains pus, unless such person be
provided with a cup and lather brush for his individual use. (Id.)

Sec. 12. Treating skin diseases.

No barber shall undertake to treat any disease of the skin.

Sec. 13. Posting copy of regulations.

The owner and the manager of any barbershop shall keep a copy
of these regulations to be furnished by the health officer, posted
in said shop in a conspicuous place for the information and guidance
of persons working or employed therein, and for information
of the public. (Id.)

Sec. 14. Penalty.

Any person violating any of the provisions of these regulations
shall, upon conviction thereof, be fined not less than five dollars
nor more than twenty-five dollars. (Id.)