University of Virginia Library


My Beloved, my Beloved,
He is fairest of the fair;
And His presence ever round me,
Is like the breath of prayer.
My Beloved, my Beloved,
There is mercy in His eyes
He is purer than the purest,
And all His words are wise.


My Beloved, My Beloved,
He is better far than gold;
And the riches of His blessing,
Have never half been told.
My Beloved, my Beloved,
He is beautiful and bright;
And by faith that He has given,
I am walking in His light.
My Beloved, my Beloved,
In his comfort is no sting,
And the shaking of the tempest,
Is the hushing of His wing.
My Beloved, my Beloved,
My glory and my choice;
In the calm and in the tumult,
I can hear His welcome voice.
My Beloved, my Beloved,
There is rapture in His name;
A soothing of my sorrow,
And a blotting out of shame.
My Beloved, my Beloved,
He is all the world to me;
The treasures of remembrance,
And the perfect joy to be.
My Beloved, my Beloved,
He is never, never far;
He is present in the sunrise,
And with the evening star.
My Beloved, my Beloved,
In the solemn hush of night,
When the moon is dim and setting,
Then He rises on my sight.
My Beloved, my Beloved,
In the dark and silent hour;
He is stronger than the silence,
And the darkness is his dower.
My Beloved, my Beloved,
He is radiance and relief;
And though all His gifts are precious,
Yet is He Himself the Chief.
My Beloved, my Beloved,
O how pleasant is my part!
For when love would sing his praises,
It is He attunes the heart.


My Beloved, my Beloved,
From His care I cannot roam;
Is not He my place and portion,
Is not He my heaven and home?
My Beloved, my Beloved,
I am fainting with delay;
When shall I see His glory,
And walk the shining way?
My Beloved, my Beloved,
He will come in pity down;
And for me He is preparing,
A kingdom and a crown.
My Beloved, my Beloved,
In His sorrow there is joy;
In His anger there is mercy,
And His pleasures do not cloy.
My Beloved, my Beloved,
He is music to the mind;
A shelter to the weary,
And enlightening to the mind.
My Beloved, my Beloved,
In the little cares of life,
He is great as in the greatest,
Both in stillness and in strife.
My Beloved, my Beloved,
How I long His face to see;
If the streamlets are so glorious,
What will the Fountain be?
My Beloved, my Beloved,
There are rivers of His love;
And the waters all are living,
But the ocean is above.
My Beloved, my Beloved,
He is in the stormy wind;
And when bitter blasts pursue me,
He is closer still behind.
My Beloved, my Beloved,
He is sweet as morning dews;
And the heart that is His Eden,
He refreshes and renews.
My Beloved, my Beloved,
He will save my soul from doubt;
And with laughter and with singing,
He will girdle me about.


My Beloved, my Beloved,
He is holy, He is blest;
In His arms there is a refuge,
And on His bosom rest.
My Beloved, my Beloved,
There is healing in His hand;
By His grace am I triumphant,
And in His strength I stand.
My Beloved, my Beloved,
O my Saviour and my Friend!
He was mine from the beginning,
And He will be to the end.
My Beloved, my Beloved,
I can feel His Presence now;
It is like the breath of evening,
When it trembles on the brow.
My Beloved, My Beloved,
He is Peace to all opprest;
While death is but a sleeping,
And a sinking on His breast.
My Beloved, my Beloved,
I am feeling for the fold;
For the shadow of His pasture,
For the shining gates of gold.
My Beloved, my Beloved,
Though my eyes are often dim;
Yet I know His voice is calling,
And I follow, follow Him.
My Beloved, my Beloved,
If a little while I wait;
He will bear me in His bosom,
And beyond the blasts of fate.
My Beloved, my Beloved,
Though I hear not He will come;
And His word will bid me welcome,
When my own at length is dumb.
My Beloved, my Beloved,
Let me only trust and pray;
Till the secret of the darkness,
Is discovered by the day,
My Beloved, my Beloved,
He is speaking—He is nigh,
Shall I doubt or be disheartened,
If to win Him be—to die?