University of Virginia Library


See how the bright extended Line
Of Royal Archers shape their Way,
Resembling in their Arms divine
The Glories of the God of Day.
Their Martial Worth o'er all the Globe does roll
As Phoebus darts his Beams from Pole to Pole.
Their Great Forefathers sought the Field,
Not doubting of their Arm's Success;
They made insulting Foes to yield,
Who, lab'ring to be great, grew less,
The Roman Eagle, towring to the skies,
Pierc'd by their ARROWS, reeling sinks and dies.
Let this Example fire your Blood
To Deeds becoming Scotia's Race.
Be studious to be great and good,
By Means untainted by Disgrace
Nobly assert your King and Country's Cause;
Retrieve her Honour; vindicate her Laws.
Thus will Old Caledon regain
That Vigour which would seem to sink;
Our RAMPANT LYON break his Chain,
Undoing each disgraceful Link.
No more we'll hear the Noble Savage moan
But see him scowre the Plains were heretofore his own.