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The Poems of John Clare

Edited with an Introduction by J. W. Tibble

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Oh, the evening's for the fair, bonny lassie O!
To meet the cooler air and walk an angel there,
With the dark dishevelled hair,
Bonny lassie O!
The bloom's on the brere, bonny lassie O!
Oak-apples on the tree; and wilt thou gang to see
The shed I've made for thee,
Bonny lassie O!
'Tis agen the running brook, bonny lassie O!
In a grassy nook hard by, with a little patch of sky,
And a bush to keep us dry,
Bonny lassie O!
There's the daisy all the year, bonny lassie O!
There's the kingcup bright as gold, and the speedwell never cold,
And the arum leaves unrolled,
Bonny lassie O!
Oh, meet me at the shed, bonny lassie O!
With the woodbine peeping in, and the roses like thy skin
Blushing, thy praise to win,
Bonny lassie O!
I will meet thee there at e'en, bonny lassie O!
When the bee sips in the bean, and grey willow-branches lean,
And the moonbeam looks between,
Bonny lassie O!