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[Matthew xv. 22, &c.]

Lord, regard my earnest cry,
A potsherd of the earth;
A poor guilty worm am I,
A Canaanite by birth:
Save me from this tyranny,
From all the power of Satan save;
Mercy, mercy upon me,
Thou Son of David, have.
Still Thou answerest not a word
To my repeated prayer;
Hear Thine own disciples, Lord,
Who in my sorrows share;


O let them prevail with Thee
To grant the blessing which I crave:
Mercy, mercy upon me,
Thou Son of David, have.
Send, O send me now away
By granting my request;
Still I follow Thee, and pray,
And will not let Thee rest;
Ever crying after Thee,
Till Thou my helplessness relieve:
Mercy, mercy upon me,
Thou Son of David, have.
To the sheep of Israel's fold
Thou in Thy flesh wast sent,
But the Gentiles now behold
In Thee their Covenant:
See me then, with pity see,
A sinner whom Thou camest to save;
Mercy, mercy upon me,
Thou Son of David, have.
Still to Thee, my God, I come,
And mercy I implore;
Thee, (but how shall I presume,)
Thee trembling I adore,
Dare not stand before Thy face,
But lowly at Thy feet I fall;
Help me, Jesu; show Thy grace,
Thy grace is free for all.
Still I cannot part with Thee,
I will not let Thee go;
Mercy, mercy unto me,
O Son of David, show;


Vilest of the sinful race,
On Thee importunate I call;
Help me, Jesu; show Thy grace,
Thy grace is free for all.
Nothing am I in Thy sight,
Nothing have I to plead;
Unto dogs it is not right
To cast the children's bread:
Yet the dogs the crumbs may eat,
That from their master's table fall;
Let the fragments be my meat,
Thy grace is free for all.
Give me, Lord, the victory,
My heart's desire fulfil;
Let it now be done to me
According to my will;
Give me living bread to eat,
And say, in answer to my call,
Canaanite, thy faith is great,
My grace is free for all.”
If Thy grace for all is free,
Thy call now let me hear,
Show this token upon me,
And bring salvation near;
Now the gracious word repeat,
The word of healing to my soul,
Canaanite, thy faith is great,
Thy faith hath made thee whole.”