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[O that Thou wouldst Thy servant bless]

Oh that Thou wouldest bless me indeed, &c. —iv. 10.

O that Thou wouldst Thy servant bless
With all the blessings of Thy love,
My heart enlarge, my faith increase,
Evil, and pain far off remove,
Keep by the presence of Thy power,
That sin may never grieve me more.


[Sore assail'd, o'erpower'd, oppress'd]

They cried to God in the battle, &c. —v. 20.

Sore assail'd, o'erpower'd, oppress'd
I in the battle cry:
Saviour, grant me my request;
Who on Thy aid rely:
Weak, and helpless as I am,
Yet, Lord, I must victorious prove
Trusting in Thy saving name,
Thy true almighty love.


[Great God of hosts, against my foe]

There fell down many slain, because the war, &c. —v. 22.

Great God of hosts, against my foe,
At Thy command and cost I go,
Commission'd by Thy word, engage
A just and holy war to wage:


And if I fight sustain'd by Thee,
I must obtain the victory,
Must more than victory obtain,
And see my sins for ever slain.


[David's Son by heaven adored]

Thine are we, David, and on thy side, &c. —xii. 18.

David's Son by heaven adored,
We for our King receive,
Unto Thee our sovereign Lord
In life and death we cleave,
Loving, true allegiance bear,
And to Thy will ourselves resign,
Thine without reserve we are,
Irrevocably Thine.
Jesus come, Thy kingdom here
Set up we long to see,
Forward on Thy side to' appear,
O'erjoy'd to act for Thee:
In Thy word of righteousness
Ride on, Thy royal right maintain,
Bless'd of God, and sent to bless
The nations with Thy reign!


[When the loving King of kings]

There was joy in Israel. —xii. 40.

When the loving King of kings
In us erects His throne,
Peace unspeakable it brings,
And glorious joy unknown;
Tasting then His gospel-word,
With all His gracious fulness bless'd,
Keep we with our heavenly Lord
An everlasting feast.



[In every sacred exercise]

God helped the Levites that bare the ark. —xv. 26.

In every sacred exercise
We need the succour of the skies,
But chiefly when we preach Thy word;
Or bear the vessels of the Lord:
Our power and whole sufficiency,
Jesus, is still derived from Thee;
And if we minister Thy grace,
Thine, only Thine, be all the praise.


[If in David's steps we tread]

David returned to bless his house. —xvi. 43.

If in David's steps we tread,
And pay our public vows,
Public doth not supersede
Thy worship in our house:
Joining with Thy sacred word
The voice of fervent praise and prayer,
Daily there we seek our Lord,
And find Thy blessing there.


[Gracious Thou, when most severe]

Let me fall into the hand of the Lord. —xxi. 13.

Gracious Thou, when most severe:
Let me, Lord, myself resign,
(If I must be punish'd here)
Fall into the Hands Divine,
Hands that this frail creature made,
Hands that still my soul sustain,
Hands which for my folly bled;
Bled the balm that heals my pain.


[What is in man for God to' approve?]

The Lord liked me to make me king. —xxviii. 4.

What is in man for God to' approve?
He makes us such as He can love,


He loved us, not for faith foreknown,
But freely in His favourite Son:
Us to our Head His Spirit unites,
In us as part of Christ delights,
Elected, with that perfect Man,
In everlasting bliss to reign.


[Do we not all from Thee receive]

If thou seek Him, He will be found of thee, &c. —xxviii. 9.

Do we not all from Thee receive
The dreadful power to seek, or leave?
The dreadful power through grace I use,
And chose of God, my God I choose:
Thee will I seek while life shall last;
Ah! do not from Thy presence cast,
But now, even now be found of me,
And let my soul be hid in Thee.


[Lord, in the strength of grace]

Who is willing to consecrate his service this day, &c. —xxix. 5.

Lord, in the strength of grace,
With a glad heart and free
Myself, my residue of days,
I consecrate to Thee;
Thy ransom'd servant I
Restore to Thee Thine own,
And from this moment live, or die,
To serve my God alone.


[The Lord a cheerful giver loves]

The people rejoiced, for that they offered willingly. —xxix. 9.

The Lord a cheerful giver loves;
A cheerful giver loves the Lord,
And while by works his faith he proves,
Receives an hundred-fold reward,
With joy restores what God had given,
Bless'd with anticipated heaven.



[Bless'd be our everlasting Lord]

Blessed be Thou, Lord God of Israel, &c. —xxix. 10, 11.

Bless'd be our everlasting Lord,
Our Father, God, and King,
Thy sovereign greatness we record,
Thy glorious power we sing;
By Thee the victory is given,
The majesty Divine,
And strength, and might, and earth and heaven,
And all therein is Thine.


[The kingdom, Lord, is Thine alone]

Thine is he kingdom, O Lord, &c. —xxix. 11, 12.

The kingdom, Lord, is Thine alone
Who dost Thy right maintain,
And high on Thine eternal throne
O'er men and angels reign:
Riches, as seemeth good to Thee,
Thou dost, and honour give;
And kings their power and dignity
Out of Thine hand receive.


[Thou hast on us the grace bestow'd]

Now therefore, our God, we thank Thee, &c. —xxix. 13.

Thou hast on us the grace bestow'd
Thy greatness to proclaim,
And therefore now we thank our God,
And praise Thy glorious name;
Thy glorious name and nature's powers
Thou hast to man made known,
And all the Deity is ours,
Through Thine incarnate Son.


[O may I never, never seek]

Who am I, and what is my people? —xxix. 14.

O may I never, never seek
Myself to aggrandise,
But meanly think, and humbly speak,
As vile in my own eyes:


What am I, Lord, but sinful dust?
Yet, bought with blood Divine,
If in Thy only Son I trust,
Whate'er Thou art is mine.


[God hath all our actions wrought]

All things come of Thee, and of Thine own, &c. —xxix. 14.

God hath all our actions wrought;
Thou with every gracious thought,
Thou with every good desire
Dost our feeble hearts inspire;
Pay we then our thankful rent,
Praises to our Lord present,
Gladly give Thee back Thine own,
Live and die to God alone.


[The angels are at home in heaven]

We are strangers before Thee, and sojourners, &c. —xxix. 15.

The angels are at home in heaven,
The saints unsettled pilgrims here:
Our days are as a shadow, driven
From earth, so soon we disappear,
We no abiding city have,
No place of resting, but the grave.
Transient our life, and dark, and vain,
With empty joy and solid woe,
It never can return again,
Soon as our dream is pass'd below,
Its darkness ends in perfect night,
Or glorious everlasting light.


[O Lord our God, we bless Thee now]

Now bless the Lord your God. —xxix. 20.

O Lord our God, we bless Thee now,
To Thee our souls and bodies bow,
With humblest awe fall down before
Thy throne, and joyfully adore;


God of our ancestors we praise,
The Father, Son, and Spirit of grace,
One glorious God in persons three,
Our God through all eternity.


[Whoe'er the King of kings adore]

All the congregation blessed the Lord God, &c. —xxix. 20.

Whoe'er the King of kings adore,
Must reverence His vicegerent here,
Not earth and hell with all their power
Can separate loyalty and fear:
And hence the man set up by Thee,
Great God, Thy faithful people own,
In him Thy royal image see,
And bow before the British throne.


[Full, but not satisfied]

He died, full of days, riches, and honour. —xxix. 28.

Full, but not satisfied
With wealth and pomp, he died:
Wealth, and pomp, and length of days,
Could not fill a deathless soul
Made to feast on Jesu's grace,
While eternal ages roll.
Jesus, my soul to fill
Thy blessed Self reveal,
Come, and bring me from above
All the life of righteousness,
All the riches of Thy love,
All the glories of Thy grace.


[O 'tis enough! I ask no more]

O 'tis enough! I ask no more,
Full of a few sad sinful days,
Sated with life, till life is o'er
I languish to conclude my race,


And silently resign my breath,
And sink into the shades of death.
This earth without regret I leave,
Impatient for my heavenly rest:
Saviour, my weary soul receive,
Take a sad pilgrim to Thy breast,
Who only live, and die, to be
Restored, resorb'd, and lost in Thee.