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Poems of Paul Hamilton Hayne

Complete edition with numerous illustrations

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Addressed to George H. Boker, of Philadelphia—after the perusal of Sonnets contained in his “Plays and Poems.”

It hath been thine to prove what use and power,
What sweetness, and what glorious strength belong
To the brief compass of that slandered song
We term the Sonnet. Thine hath been the dower
Whereby its richly fruitful, fairy shower
Of poesy hath flooded o'er our hearts;
And thine the dominant magic which imparts
Life to its thrilling music. Hour by hour,
My soul from this small fountain, in whose deep
The sunshine of thy passionate genius plays,
Doth drink delight, till fancy melts in sleep,
Charmed by the witchery of thy perfect lays,—
Not dreamless, but flushed through with joys that keep
Some fervent gleam of youth's voluptuous days.