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Original journals of the Lewis and Clark Expedition, 1804-1806

printed from the original manuscripts in the library of the American Philosophical Society and by direction of its committee on historical documents

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December 2nd.. Monday 1805.

Cloudy and some little rain this morning I despatched 3
men to hunt and 2 and my servent in a canoe to a creek above
to try & catch some fish I am verry unwell the dried fish
which is my only diet does not agree with me and several of
the men complain of a lax, and weakness. I expect Capt. Lewis
will return to day with the hunters and let us know if Elk or
deer can be found sufficent for us to winter on. If he does
not come I shall move from this place to one of better prospects
for game &c. Joseph Fields come home with the marrow
bones of an Elk which he had killed 6 miles distant, I sent
out 6 men in a canoe for the meat, the evening being late they
did not return this night which proved fair moon shineing
night. This is the first Elk we have killed on this side the
rockey mounts. a great deal of Elk sign in the neighbourhood.