University of Virginia record February, 1912 | ||
PAGE | |
Absence from Examinations | 93 |
Absence from Lectures | 93 |
Absence, Leaves of | 92 |
Absence from University | 92 |
Academic Faculty | 115 |
Academic Schools | 117 |
Academic Schools, Graduate in | 171 |
Academic Schools, Courses in |
118-161 |
Academic Year | 92 |
Accredited Schools, Certificates from |
70 |
Accredited Schools, List of | 84 |
Accrediting Schools, Conditions for |
83 |
Administration, Officers of | 21 |
Administrative Council | 27 |
Administrative Committees of Faculty |
28 |
Admission, General Conditions of |
69 |
Certificates for | 70 |
To College | 69 |
To Department of Engineering | 217 |
To Department of Graduate Studies |
171 |
To Department of Law | 179 |
To Department of Medicine | 197 |
Advanced Standing | |
In College | 162 |
In Department of Engineering | 237 |
In Department of Graduate Studies |
174 |
In Department of Medicine | 201 |
Agriculture, Department of | 18 |
Alumni, General Association of |
276 |
Alumni, Local Associations of | 276 |
Alumni Scholarships (See Scholarships) |
Anatomy | 203 |
Anglo-Saxon | 155 |
Announcements | 87 |
Applied Mathematics, School of |
132 |
Athletics | 273 |
Regulations Concerning | 274 |
Athletic Park | 273 |
Athletic Teams, Leaves of Absence to |
275 |
Bachelor of Arts, Regulations Concerning |
164 |
Bachelor of Science, Cultural, Regulations Concerning |
164 |
Bachelor of Science, Vocational, Regulations Concerning |
167 |
Bacteriology | 206 |
Bible Instruction | 269 |
Biblical History and Literature | 156 |
Biology, General | 143 |
Biology, School of | 140 |
Boarding Houses | 95 |
Board of Visitors | 19 |
Botany | 141 |
Buildings, Engineering Department | 243 |
Building, Law Department | 172 |
Calendar | 7 |
Case Teaching, Law | 182 |
Case Teaching, Medical | 198 |
Change of Schools | 93 |
Chapel Services | 88 |
Certificates of Preparation | 70 |
From Accredited Schools | 70 |
From Schools Outside of Virginia |
86 |
Time of Filing | 70 |
Chemical Engineering (See Engineering) |
Chemistry, Analytical | 138 |
Chemistry, General | 136 |
Chemistry, Industrial | 139 |
Chemistry, Medical | 205 |
Chemistry, Organic | 136 |
Chemistry, Physical | 137 |
Chemistry, Physiological | 205 |
Christmas Recess, Registration after |
91 |
Civil Engineering (See Engineering) | |
Class Standing | 93 |
Clinical Diagnosis | 208 |
Clinical Instruction | 198 |
Clinics | 215 |
College, The | 162 |
Admission to | 69 |
Admission to, from Other Colleges |
162 |
Advanced Standing in | 162 |
Conditional Admission to | 82 |
Degrees in | 163 |
Expenses in | 103 |
Groups of Studies in | 165 |
Register of Students in | 33 |
Schedule of Lectures and Examinations in |
170 |
Selection of Courses in | 164 |
College Topics | 261 |
Composition and Rhetoric | 152 |
Conditioned Students | 82 |
Conduct | 94 |
Contingent Deposit | 98 |
Contingent Deposit, Deductions from |
98 |
Credit, Prohibition of | 95 |
Cytology | 144 |
Deans, List of | 27 |
Debating Union | 267 |
Degrees Conferred, 1911 | 62 |
Academic | 62 |
Engineering | 64 |
Law | 64 |
Medicine | 65 |
Degrees Offered by University | 18 |
Degrees, Requirements for— | |
College | 163-169 |
Engineering | 234 |
Graduate Studies | 171-174 |
Law | 184 |
Medicine | 201 |
General | 90 |
Departments | 17 |
Dermatology | 210 |
Dining Hall | 104 |
Discipline | 94 |
Dispensary | 215 |
Dissertation for Ph. D. | 174 |
Doctor of Medicine | 201 |
Doctor of Philosophy | 173 |
Dormitories | 101 |
Economic Geology, School of | 145 |
Economics, School of | 150 |
Education, School of | 160 |
Election, Group System of | 164 |
Electives-at-Large, Substitutes for |
167 |
Elective Courses in Law | 184 |
Elective System | 88 |
Electricity and Magnetism | 135 |
Electrical Engineering (See Engineering) |
Embryology | 204 |
Endowment Fund, Alumni Trustees of |
20 |
Engineering, Department of | 216 |
Admission to | 217 |
Advanced Standing in | 237 |
Courses in | 218 |
Degrees in | 234 |
Expenses in | 236 |
Programme of Examinations in |
235 |
Register of Students in | 56 |
Schedule of Lectures and Laboratory Hours in |
233 |
Special Students in | 238 |
Summary of Students in | 58 |
Thesis Work in | 218 |
English, School of | 155 |
English Language | 155 |
English Literature, School of | 152 |
Entrance, Delayed | 92 |
Entrance Examinations | 82 |
Applications for, When Filed | 70 |
Dates and Subjects of | 82 |
Entrance from Accredited Schools |
70 |
Entrance from Other Colleges | 162 |
Entrance, General Conditions of |
69 |
College | 69 |
Engineering | 217 |
Graduate Studies | 171 |
Law | 179 |
Medicine | 197 |
Equipment | 87 |
Ethics | 158 |
Examinations, Entrance, Regulations as to |
70 |
Examinations, Special Entrance Fee for |
70 |
Examinations, Schedules of | |
College | 170 |
Engineering | 235 |
Graduate Studies | 176 |
Law | 192 |
Medicine | 201 |
Examinations, Special, for Sickness |
93 |
Examinations, Special, in Fall |
Academic | 94 |
Engineering | 234 |
Medicine | 202 |
Exchange Professorship, Japanese |
266 |
Expenses | 97 |
General | 97 |
In College | 103 |
In Engineering | 103 |
In Graduate Studies | 103 |
In Law | 103 |
In Medicine | 103 |
Eye and Ear, Diseases of | 211 |
Faculty | 21 |
Academic | 115 |
Department of Engineering | 216 |
Department of Law | 177 |
Department of Medicine | 196 |
Committees of | 28 |
Fee for Delayed Registration | 98 |
Fee for Delayed Registration after Christmas Recess |
98 |
Fee for Special Entrance Examination | 70 |
Fee for Special Fall Examination | 98 |
Fees, Return of | 97 |
Fees, Tuition | 98 |
Academic Schools | 98 |
Department of Engineering | 101 |
Department of Law | 100 |
Department of Medicine | 100 |
Fees, When Payable | 97 |
Fellowships | 111 |
Board of Visitors | 111 |
John Y. Mason | 111 |
William Cabell Rives | 111 |
Vanderbilt | 111 |
Fellowships, Holders of, 1911 and 1912 |
30 |
Forensic Medicine | 211 |
French | 124 |
Funds, Loan | 104 |
Geology, Schools of | 145 |
German | 126 |
Germanic Languages, School of | 126 |
Grade, How Determined | 93 |
Graduates | 62 |
In College | 62 |
In Engineering | 64 |
In Law | 64 |
In Medicine | 65 |
Graduate Studies, Department of |
171 |
Admission to | 171 |
Advanced Standing in | 174 |
Degrees in | 171 |
Expenses in | 103 |
Register of Students in | 42 |
Schedule of Lectures and Examinations in |
176 |
Graduate Work Done Elsewhere, Credit for |
174 |
Greek, School of | 123 |
Gynecology | 208 |
Histology, Comparative | 144 |
Histology, Medical | 204 |
Historical Sketch | 11 |
History, School of | 148 |
Honor System | 89 |
Hospital | 214 |
Hydraulics, Laboratory and Field Work in |
241 |
Hygiene | 212 |
Insanity | 209 |
Insurance Examination | 210 |
Italian | 126 |
Japanese Exchange Professorship | 266 |
Journal Club, Chemical | 137 |
Laboratories | 87 |
Anatomical | 198 |
Bacteriological | 198 |
Chemical | 140 |
Electrical | 242 |
Mechanical | 243 |
Pathological | 198 |
Physical | 135 |
Physiological | 205 |
Latin, School of | 119 |
Law, Department of | 177 |
Admission to | 179 |
Building | 178 |
Courses in, Outline of | 185 |
Degree in | 184 |
Elective Courses in | 184 |
Expenses in | 103 |
Library | 178 |
Methods of Instruction in | 182 |
Obligatory Courses in | 184 |
Preliminary Education for | 179 |
Register of Students in | 45 |
Schedules of Examinations in | 192 |
Schedules of Lectures in | 191 |
Special Students in | 181 |
Summary of Students in | 51 |
Lectures, Schedules of— | |
College | 170 |
Graduate Studies | 176 |
Engineering | 233 |
Law | 191 |
Library | 260 |
Library, Department of Law | 178 |
Licentiates | 90 |
Literature, American | 155 |
Literature, English | 152 |
Literary Societies | 267 |
Loan Funds for Students | 104 |
Logic | 158 |
Madison Hall | 269 |
Magazine | 268 |
Master of Arts | 172 |
Master of Science | 172 |
Materia Medica | 207 |
Mathematics, Applied, School of |
132 |
Mathematics, School of | 128 |
Mechanical Engineering (See Engineering) |
Mechanics | 132 |
Medalists | 268 |
Medical Attendance | 96 |
Medical Ethics and Economics | 210 |
Medicine, Department of | 196 |
Admission to | 197 |
Advanced Standing in | 201 |
Certificate of Attendance in | 201 |
Courses in | 203 |
Examinations in | 201 |
Expenses in | 103 |
Methods of Instruction in | 198 |
Register of Students in | 52 |
Regulations in | 199 |
Requirements for Degrees in |
201 |
Summary of Students in | 55 |
Medicine, Theory and Practice of |
208 |
Miller Fund, Trustees of | 20 |
Mineralogy | 145 |
Mining Engineering (See Engineering) | |
Ministers, Free Tuition to | 100 |
Moot Court | 183 |
Morphology | 143 |
Museum of Industrial Chemistry | 139 |
Museum of Natural History | 148 |
Natural Philosophy, School of | 134 |
Nervous Diseases | 209 |
Nose, Diseases of | 211 |
Nurses, Training School for | 215 |
Observatory | 133 |
Obstetrics | 211 |
Officers of Instruction and Administration |
21 |
Pathology | 206 |
Pathology, Surgical | 211 |
Pharmacology | 207 |
Philosophy, Schools of | 157 |
Physical Training | 272 |
Physics | 134 |
Physiological Chemistry | 205 |
Physiology | 206 |
Pledge on Examinations, Form of |
89 |
Political Science | 151 |
Practice Court | 183 |
Practice of Medicine | 209 |
Preachers to the University | 29 |
Privileged Students | 100 |
Probation | 94 |
Psychology | 158 |
Public School Teachers, Courses for |
100 |
Public Speaking | 154 |
Register of Students Alphabetical | 282 |
Registration | 91 |
Registration after Christmas Recess |
91 |
Registration Days | 88 |
Registration, Fee for Delayed | 92 |
Registration of Matriculates | 91 |
Registration of New Students | 91 |
Regulations, General | 91 |
Regulations, Medical Department | 199 |
Religious Worship | 88 |
Reports | 89 |
Residence | 92 |
Romanic Languages, School of | 124 |
Sanitary Arrangements | 87 |
Schedules of Lectures (See Lectures) |
Scholarships— | |
Alumni | 108 |
Birely | 110 |
General | 105 |
Henry Coalter Cabell | 111 |
Isaac Cary | 110 |
McCormick | 110 |
Miller | 110 |
Public School | 107 |
Private School | 105 |
Special | 110 |
Thompson Brown | 110 |
Scholarships, Holders of, 1911 and 1912 |
30 |
Schools, Academic (See Academic Schools) |
Schools, Change of | 93 |
Session, Length of | 88 |
Spanish | 125 |
Strength of Materials | 240 |
Students, Directions for New | 90 |
Students, Loan Funds for | 104 |
Students, Matriculated after Last Catalogue |
60 |
Students, Pecuniary Aid to | 104 |
Students, Privileged | 100 |
Students, Registers of— | |
College | 33 |
Engineering | 56 |
Graduate | 42 |
Law | 45 |
Medicine | 52 |
Students, Special | 82 |
Students, Summary of | 59 |
Summer School | 250 |
Administrative Board of | 250 |
Announcements for 1912 | 255 |
Courses Given 1911 | 259 |
Faculty | 251-54 |
Summary of Attendance | 254 |
University Credits in | 257 |
Surgery | 210 |
Surgical Pathology | 211 |
Therapeutics | 210 |
Thesis Work in Engineering | 218 |
Throat, Diseases of | 211 |
Toxicology | 208 |
Training School for Nurses | 215 |
Trustees of Endowment Fund | 20 |
Trustees of Miller Fund | 20 |
Tuition, Fees for (See Fees) | |
Virginia Academic Students | 99 |
Visitors, Board of (See Board of Visitors) |
Withdrawal, Enforced | 94 |
Withdrawal, Voluntary | 94 |
Young Men's Christian Association | 269 |
Zoölogy | 142 |
University of Virginia record February, 1912 | ||