University of Virginia Library


(Luke ix, 34.)

There is a Shadow deep,
That darkens with the years,
Where sufferers sadly watch and weep—
The shadow of our fears.


There is a shadow dim,
That lightens as we look;
Shed by the brooding love of Him,
Who once our nature took.
There is a shadow bright,
That broadens as we go;
A shadow that is all our light,
When tears of trouble flow.
There is a shadow sweet,
That streams from Jesu's hand;
That stays the weary waiting feet,
And strengthens hope to stand.
There is a shadow soft,
By “clouds of glory” made;
And sinners seek that shelter oft,
Who once have felt its shade.
There is a shadow calm,
Poured from the gates of Life;
That for each bruise has precious balm,
In stillness as in strife.
There is a shadow fair,
That nothing false can give;
When Truth sets up its cross of care,
For those that look and live.
There is a shadow yet,
That has no part in night;
The shadow of the dreadful debt,
Which Love has changed to light.
There is a shadow cast,
On cruel scorn and scars;
By Mercy blotting out the past,
And turning stains to stars.
There is a shadow dear,
That draws us near to grace;
Told by the timid unshed tear,
The wan and wistful face.
There is a shadow shown,
Though ne'er a cloud is by;
From troubles that are all unknown,
And depths that round us lie.


There is a shadow rare,
From overflowing rays;
When all the inner life is prayer,
And all the outward praise.
There is a shadow wrought,
Like that of temple walls;
The shadow of a holy thought,
That blesses where it falls.
There is a shadow felt,
When not a glimpse is seen;
From angels that have with us dwelt,
And joys that might have been.
There is a shadow glad,
Beyond the gloom of Time;
Left by the glorious deeds, that had
Their fount in faith sublime.
There is a shadow wreathed,
Round all our brightest bliss;
By gayest sounds of music breathed,
And in the sweetest kiss.
There is a shadow here,
In every act and aim;
It binds the cradle to the bier,
The shadow of our shame.
There is a shadow set,
For ever at our side;
When sickness haunts and sorrows fret,
Our truest, tenderest guide.
There is a shadow sure,
Though all the world be loss;
Where Christ has fixed His palace pure;
The shadow of the Cross.
There is a shadow thrown
O'er every living bloom;
Which He through dying made His own,
The shadow of the tomb.
There is a shadow still,
A new and nobler text,
For wanderers in this world of ill—
The shadow of the next.


There is one shadow more,
To close this passing breath;
The burden that our Saviour bore,
The shadow that is death.
Then let us humbly pray,
While still the darkness lours;
That when the shadow flees away,
The substance may be ours.
Christ is the living Truth,
That all the shadows teach;
In gloomy age and clouded youth,
He is the Sun of each.
And in His city bright,
One shadow yet remains;
Shed in the sweet excess of light,
By Love that never wanes.
His gates are never shut,
On faith that waits and clings;
The shadow most we dread, is but
The shadow of His wings.