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“This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.”

Jesu, Sin-atoning Lamb,
Jesu, Lover of Thy foe,
Let me feel Thy sovereign name,
Let me all its virtue know;
Hear my cry out of the deep,
Haste and help a friendless soul,
Seek and save a wandering sheep,
Make a sin-sick sinner whole.
Burden'd am I, and opprest,
Till Thou dost remove my load;
Weary, till Thou give me rest;
Guilty, till I feel Thy blood.


See me, a mere sinner see,
Miserable, poor, and blind,
Till I lose my all in Thee,
Till in Thee my all I find.
What have I Thy grace to move?
Beast and devil is my name;
God I hate, and sin I love,
Sin I love, and sin I am:
Yet I mean Thy grace to try;
Sinners if Thou canst receive,
Here I am, their captain I;
Wouldst Thou have me die or live?
Thou the Potter, I the clay,
Nothing have I, Lord, to plead,
Nothing have I, Lord, to say:
Bid me live, or strike me dead.
I cannot in judgment stand:
Raise; or slay me with Thy breath;
Guilty, I shall feel Thine hand,
Guilty of eternal death.
Trembling I expect my fate,
If Thou as my Judge appear;
If Thou art my Advocate,
Jesus, what have I to fear?
Jesus is the Sinners' Friend,
Sinners Jesus came to save;
Jesus, I on Thee depend,
Peace and power in Thee I have.
I the golden sceptre see,
(Self-despairing as I was,)
Now, even now, reach'd out to me;
I receive Thy pardoning grace.


Of Thy grace I cannot doubt;
Sinners to Thy wounds who fly
Thou in no wise wilt cast out:
Lo! I come, the sinner I!
Thou shalt make me white as snow,
Though my soul be black as hell;
Never from Thy cross I go,
Safe within Thy wounds I dwell.
Other refuge have I none,
None do I desire beside;
Friend of Sinners, I am one;
Save me, who for me hast died.