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The POET'S Thanks to the ARCHERS, on being admitted into their Royal Company.

The restless Mind of Man ne'er tyres,
To please his favourite Desires,
He chiefly that to Fame aspires,
With Soul enlarg'd grasps with Delight
At every Favour, which conspires
To place him in a proper Light.
Such are the Followers of the Nine,
Who aim at Glory for Reward;
Whose flowing Fancies brighter shine,
When from the Best they meet Regard.
I not the least now of that Train
Who frae the Royal Archers gain
Applause, while lovely Ladies deign
To take me too beneath their Care:
Then tho' I boast, I am not vain,
Thus guarded by the Brave and Fair.
For which kind Fate to me this Day,
First to the Powers supreme I bow;
And next, my Gratitude I pay,
Brave Sons of Caledon, to you.