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Ranolf and Amohia

A dream of two lives. By Alfred Domett. New edition, revised

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No! he could not forget that Truths like these
May lurk secreted for the Soul to seize


Out of the chaos of her own emotions;
Heights of celestial rapture—depths like Ocean's
Of sacred sorrow; mystic yearnings speech
Is speechless for no intellect can reach;
Divinely-darkling inmost sympathies,
Dimly discerned—awakened—half-exprest
Haply by the blind might of Music best
Echoing Infinitude; ‘strange melodies’
That lustrous Song-Child languished to impart,
Breathing his boundless Love through boundless Art—
Impassioned Seraph from his mint of gold
By our full-handed Master-Maker flung;
By him whose lays, like eagles, still upwheeling
To that shy Empyrean of high feeling,
Float steadiest in the luminous fold on fold
Of wonder-cloud around its sun-depths rolled.
Whether he paint, all patience and pure snow,
Pompilia's fluttering innocence unsoiled;—
In verse, though fresh as dew, one lava-flow
In fervour—with rich Titian-dyes aglow—
Paint Paracelsus to grand frenzy stung,
Quixotic dreams and fiery quackeries foiled;
Whose rocket-rush of Power, at death's far height
Melts in a silvery rain of loving Light;—
Or—of Sordello's delicate Spirit unstrung
For action, in its vast Ideal's glare
Blasting the Real to its own dumb despair,—
On that Venetian water-lapped stair-flight,
In words condensed to diamond, indite
A lay too like the Sun—dark with excessive bright:—
Still,—though the pulses of the world-wide throng
He wields, with racy life-blood beat so strong,—
Subtlest Dissector of the Soul in song!—


—No! with that possible Soul-truth full in sight,
'Twas little disappointment, less surprise,
To Ranolf that he read in Amo's eyes
Not all the satisfaction and delight
She looked for when the queries first she pressed
Which he with more delight and greater zest
Would doubtless, if he could, have set at rest.