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“Come unto Me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”

O that my load of sin were gone!
O that I could at last submit
At Jesu's feet to lay it down,
To lay my soul at Jesu's feet!
When shall mine eyes behold the Lamb,
The God of my salvation see?
Weary, O Lord, Thou know'st I am;
Yet still I cannot come to Thee.
Mark the hard travail of my soul,
With pity view my labouring breast;
O give me faith to make me whole,
And speak my misery into rest.
Rest for my soul I long to find;
Saviour of all, if mine Thou art,
Give me Thy meek and lowly mind,
And stamp Thine image on my heart.


Break off the yoke of inbred sin,
And fully set my spirit free;
I cannot rest, till pure within,
Till I am wholly lost in Thee.
Fain would I learn of Thee, my God,
Thy light and easy burden prove,
The cross all stain'd with hallow'd blood,
The labour of Thy dying love;
This moment would I take it up,
And after my dear Master bear,
With Thee ascend to Calvary's top,
And bow my head and suffer there.
I would: but Thou must give the power,
My heart from every sin release;
Bring near, bring near the joyful hour,
And fill me with Thy perfect peace.
Come, Lord, the drooping sinner cheer,
Nor let Thy chariot-wheels delay;
Appear in my poor heart, appear;
My God, my Saviour, come away.
One deep unto another cries,
My misery, Lord, implores Thy grace:
When wilt Thou hear, and bow the skies?
When shall I see my Jesu's face?
The hireling longeth for his hire—
But only punishment is mine;
My merits are eternal fire—
But heaven and happiness are Thine.


Give me Thy life; for Thou my death
Hast swallow'd up in victory,
Quicken'd me with Thy latest breath,
And died that I might live to Thee.
This, only this, is all my hope,
And doth my sinking soul sustain;
Thy faithful mercies hold me up,
My Saviour did not die in vain.
Answer Thy death's design in me;
The guilt and power of sin remove,
Redeem from all iniquity,
Renew, and perfect me in love.