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THESAURO-PHULAKION[Greek]: or, A treasury of divine raptures

Consisting of Serious Observations, Pious Ejaculations, Select Epigrams. Alphabetically rank'd and fil'd by a Private Chaplain to the Illustrious and Renowned Lady Urania The Divine and Heavenly Muse. The first part [by Nicholas Billingsley]

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32. On Carriage.

As children of the High'st, we should behave
Our selves, and be obedient, humble, grave,
Industrious, heroical, and holy,
Cheerful, not given to pensive Melancholy;
Longing to be at home: the Saints do still
Readily out of love obey Gods Will:
Lowly they are, it never was allow'd
To any of Gods children to be proud.
Left for a while, fall into Sin they do,
That learn they may on lower ground to go,


And that their Plumes may fall. Saints sober are
In their Opinions, Speeches, and Attire.
Diligence in their Calling they express,
God never seals Warrants to Idleness.
The Sts. are high-born of the true blood Royal,
And scorn to act the thing that is disloyal,
To stain their noble Birth, they are upright,
And in Gods holy ways take great delight;
For though in a strange country now they be,
Yet they the New Jerusalem shall see;
Death will convey them thither, that shall come
Safe to their fathers house, their long'd for home.