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0 occurrences of drunkard and westminster
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[Thus (Gentle Reader) I have ran a Course]
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0 occurrences of drunkard and westminster
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[Thus (Gentle Reader) I have ran a Course]

Thus (Gentle Reader) I have ran a Course
That would have tyr'd (perhaps have kild) a Horse:
For if the winged Pegasus (like Mee)
Had watred been, h'had had no eyes to see:
Or if Bucephalus had trotted so,
Hee had been lam'd and founder'd long agoe.
Yet is my Task not done, for I must Play
A Second Part before I have my Pay:
Which Second Part shall to your view declare
The Tavernes in ten Shires, and where they are;
Within what County, in what Towne, what Signe,
Or else (if not what Signe) who sels the Wine.
The Counties are, Brave Barkshire, Hampshire, Essex,
Kent, Surrey, Hartford, Middlesex and Sussex;
With Buckingham and Oxford; these are they
Which in my Second Part I must display.