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(a) For admission to the two-year premedical college course, students
shall have completed a four-year course of at least fifteen units in a standard
accredited high school or other institution of standard secondary school
grade, or have the equivalent as demonstrated by examinations conducted
by the College Entrance Examination Board or by the authorized examiner


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of a standard college or university which has been approved by the Council
on Medical Education of the American Medical Association.

(b) Credits for admission to the premedical college course may be
granted for the subjects shown in the following list and for any other subject
counted by a standard accredited high school as part of the requirements
for its diploma, provided that at least eleven units must be offered in
groups I-V:

Group I. English. (Three units required)

Literature and Composition.

Group II. Foreign Languages. (Two units required, both of which must be
in the same language)

Latin, Greek, French, German, Spanish, Italian, or other modern foreign

Group III. Mathematics. (Two units required)

Elementary Algebra, Advanced Algebra, Plane Geometry, Solid Geometry,

Group IV. History. (One unit required)

Ancient History, Medieval and Modern History, English History,
American History, Civil Government.

Group V. Science.

Botany, Zoölogy, Chemistry, Physics, Physiography, Physiology, Astronomy,

Group VI. Miscellaneous.

Agriculture, Bookkeeping, Business Law, Commercial Geography, Domestic
Science, Drawing, freehand and mechanical, Economics and
Economic History, Manual Training, Music—appreciation or harmony.

A unit is the credit value of at least thirty-six weeks' work of four or
five recitation periods per week, each recitation period to be not less than
forty minutes.