University of Virginia Library


Was born in Washington county, Virginia, in 1811, and died on his
estate near Abingdon, on October 22, 1865. He was a son of James
Davis, who was born on Walker Mount, this county, and Nancy, daughter
of Thomas and Lydia Smith, also of Washington county. In Granger
county, Tennessee, February 12, 1840, Archimedes Davis married Mary
Van Hook Fulkerson, who was born near Abingdon, September 24,
1820. The record of their children is: Margaret Nancy, now deceased;
Arabella, now deceased; James K., now of Missouri, Abram F., now of
Illinois; Archimedes, now of Arkansas; Mary Van Hook, residing in
Abingdon; Samuel W., now deceased; Griffith, deceased; Arthur C.,
deceased; Sarah, living now in Kentucky; Lydia Ann, Salina Fulkerson
and Robert Vance. James and Abram were in service in the late war,
Confederate States Army.

Mr. Davis was a lawyer by profession, engaged in practice many years.
He was several years constable. During the war he acted as Receiver
for the District where he lived, resuming practice at the close of the war,
his death ensuing in the same year.

Mrs. Davis is a daughter of Abraham Fulkerson, an honored resident
of Washington county through life, who served in the war of 1812, with
rank of captain, and was a colonel of Virginia militia. He was a son
of James Fulkerson, who came from Pennsylvania to make his home in
Washington county. The mother of Mrs. Davis was Margaret, daughter
of Samuel Vance. Samuel Vance came to Washington county in 1773,
from Frederick county, Virginia. In those early days he had many
bouts with hostile Indians. In 1780 he joined Colonel Campbell's regiment,
Continental army, and took part in the battle of Kings Mountain.
He was a man of scholarly attainments, particularly well informed in
ancient and modern history. He died in the eighty-ninth year of his
age, at his home near Abingdon, where he had lived for sixty-five years.
A brother of Abraham Fulkerson, Jacob, was killed by the Indians, in