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Scæna prima.

Enter Manduco solus, drunk.

Where is this same unhappy Boy? this Signior Becabunga
I have been making investigation, scrutination, exploration,
and speculation for him this hour, and yet I cannot find this in
dividuum vagum, as I may say—so, what are
(Enter Cass. Leon.
you, boni viri, I know, you have hurryed this Gentleman for whom
I search to some compotation, or else ad lupanar; yea, I am sure o'


t—how sad it is to see young men, even, impuberes adolescentes,
indulge venery, and ebriety so much, & quid Venus ebria curat?
As a friend of mine sayes.


The fellow's drunk sure—


—Drunk! O pervicacem hominis indolem! accusing
me of ebriety, when I am, even in sana mente constitutus, constitute
in sanity of mind: 'tis true, indeed, I have been drinking:
but it was with some of my brethren, imo fratres fraterrimi.


What were they?


Why, there was Light-body, Laurie, Latie, Cheisly
quoq; Brounie, Bowiq; Hi enim sunt Tuscanii gloria summa
soli: besides our hospes, what d'you call him, Architabernarius,
for Arch-taverner, who is one of the commissioners for administration
of—drink—to the people of Tuscania.


Don't you enquire for Signior Becabunga, Sir.


Yes, the very same, where is he? ubinam est?


You will find him at the Verona tavern, hard by, with
some of his comrades.


Say you so, I will go find him then, profecto I think
I could scarce abstaine from vapulating him for this his contumacy.


Now Leonardo, 'tis time we were stirring, if we do not,
this match will go on.


Nay, I'l do any thing for thee, e're thou lose her, Cassio,


Come then; I have almost gull'd Pantaloni into a
belief, that Becabunga wrongs him, for which he swears he will
be revenged: now, if you can do the same with the other, our design
may succeed yet.


Well, go you about your business then, fear not me.


Now, wit and art assist us both, I'l search my gamester
and accomplish the trick.
