University of Virginia Library

Scen. 3.

Enter Armillus.
Loue, without thee, all life is tedious,
Without thee, there's no sweete, no ioy, no life;
Thou first gau'st life, and still with new succession,
Continuest what thou gau'st, with sweet inticements,
Taming the strongst rebellion, thy weapons women,
Whom thou so fram'st, that proudest men are glad,
Beaten with them, gently to kisse the rod.
Eyther my weighty passions pull too fast
The wheele of time, or else the houre is past:
But this is she, or I mistake it.

Enter Cosma.
Women that to one man their passions bind,
As this man alters, so alters still their mind:
Thus euer change they, as those changing faires,
And with their louers still their loue impaires:
But I, when once my louers change their graces,
Affect the same, though now in other faces:
Thus now my mind is firme, and constant prou'd,
Seeing I euer loue, what first I lou'd.
Who blames the speedy heauen, for euer ranging?
Loue's fiery, winged, light, and therfore changing.

True, fairest Nymph, Loue is a fire still burning,
And if not slak't, the heart to ashes turning.

If I could scold, sir you might be chidden,
For comming to my thoughts before y'are bidden.

Blame me not (Sweet) thy words do fanne thy fires,
And coole the flames which thy faire eye inspires.

The fire so lately applied, so lately fram'd?
Me thinks, greene wood should not be yet inflam'd.

Loues flame is not like earths, but heauens fire,
Like lightning, with a flash it lights desire.

I loue not lightning: lightning loue that flashes
Before't be all on fire, will be all ashes.

Gather the fruite then while 'tis yet vnblasted.

Ist worth the gathering? is it pleasing tasted?

Take say of this.
kisses her.

Enter Pas offering to kisse on the other side, disguised like a fury.
Helpe ho.

Exeunt Armil. Cos. seuerall waies.