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Ephorbas solus.
For ought I know my bed may be the next,
Men are not bad by halves, nor doth
One mischief stop a man in his carreir of sin.
There's as much reason ith'one, as the other.
Doth he affect my Kingdome 'cause I'me old?
No, that's not it; he knows I must dye shortly.
Tis not a desire of rule and glory of their bending knees,
Makes him forget his duty—
He may as well covet Andromana 'cause she's handsome,
He satisfies a lust alike in both; well let him be
My Rival in the Kingdome, 'tis but what
He was born to, and I must leave it him;
But for my wife he must excuse me,
Nay he shall—
he pawseth.
Yet now I think on't better, the grounds are slender,
And my suspicions slight; no evidence against him
But the peoples love, and that's no fault of his
Unless deserving be a crime. Who's without there?
Go call in Plangus, and bid him stay,
Enter Libacer.
For I must speak with him.
Exit King.