University of Virginia Library

Scen. III.

Enter a Lord and others at the out-cry.
Looke out, me thought I heard one cry out murder,
Some voyce I am sure did disturbe the court,
It was Misanders voyce me thought that cried,
Spies him dead.
And see hee's slaine; one whom the Kings esteeme
Did ranke among the best; there are the murderers,
Fellowes, now durst you thus abuse the court?
Goe, haste to'th' Kings tell him the men be here.

Gentlemen, we as louers to the court,
Came here as strangers, for to see the King,
This man being comming out, too soone for vs;
And for himselfe vs'd vs vnciuilly,
We haue been gentlemen, though our Fortunes now.
Haue put on beggars weeds vpon our backs:
Who answering in the same sort he propos'd,
He strooke vs, and men cannot indure blows:
So thinking much to be strooke againe,
He grew so hot, he drew and made a Stab;
At which encounter both inclosing him
'Twixt vs, he tooke a wound worse then we thought
To giue, for we did thinke to haue giuen none;
But since 'tis thus, we must appeale to th'King.

Yes; and here comes his Maiesty in person,