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Ballads for the Times

(Now first collected,) Geraldine, A Modern Pyramid, Bartenus, A Thousand Lines, and other poems. By Martin F. Tupper. A new Edition, enlarged and revised

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The Kingston Coronation Stone.


(A Stave, solicited at its Inauguration, Oct. 1850.)

Rejoice! that Praise and Honour at length
Return to their ancient rest,—
As a wounded eagle gathers his strength
To recover his rock-built nest;
For of old, around yon rugged throne
Tradition tenderly clings,
To hail that stone, as its brother of Scone,
The Throne of the Seven Kings!
Edward the Elder there was crown'd,
Great Alfred's glorious son,—
And Athelstan, thro' the wide world renown'd
For merchant-trophies won,—
Edmund and Ethelred, in high state,
With Eldred, and Edwy the Fair.
And Edward, due to a Martyr's fate,
Were throned in honour there!
Thou then, such ancestry's Royal seed,
Britannia's Heiress-Queen!
In grace consider the loyal deed
Thy Saxon children mean;
To the time-hallowed Past its homage due
The Present wisely brings,
And thus would we pour our chrism anew
On the Throne of the Seven Kings!