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God is our refuge and our strength
When trouble's hour is near:
A very present help is he,
Therefore we will not fear:
Although the pillars of the earth
Shall clean removèd be:
The very mountains carried forth
And cast into the sea:
Although the waters rage and swell
So that the earth shall shake;
Yea, and the solid mountain roots
Shall with the tempest quake:
There is a river which makes glad
The city of our God;
The tabernacle's holy place
Of the Most High's abode.


The Lord is in the midst of her,
Removed she shall not be,
Because the Lord our God himself
Shall help her speedily.
The heathen lands make much ado,
The kingdoms join the fray;
But God hath shewèd forth his voice,
And the earth shall melt away.
The Lord of hosts our refuge is
When trouble's hour is near;
The God of Jacob is with us,
Therefore we will not fear.