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Beads from a Rosary

By T. Westwood

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I leave thee, I leave thee,
But my thoughts are with thee yet,
Long, weary miles may lie between,
Still lengthening onwards, but I ween
They cannot chain Love's wanderings,
Or make the heart forget.
I leave thee, I leave thee,—
Nay, nay, it is not so;
I sit beside thee even now,
I hear Love's whisper, soft and low,
And I clasp thy hand in mine, sweet friend,
As I am wont to do.


I leave thee, I leave thee,
Fresh scenes around me rise,
But I see them not—I linger still,
To breath one last good night, and fill
My soul, with all pleasant memories
From the depths of those dear eyes.
I leave thee, I leave thee,
God's blessing on thee rest,
His watchful care be round thee spread,
His holy presence guard thy bed,
And his peace, which passeth human thought,
Sit, dove-like, on thy breast.
I leave thee, I leave thee,
But my thoughts are with thee ever;
Long, weary miles may lie between,
Still lengthening onwards, but I ween,
They will ne'er divide our hearts, sweet friend,
Or our true affection sever.