University of Virginia Library


High was the holiday in Heaven, when all the sons of God
That ward to note the acts of States, assembled from abroad;
Each brought the rubrick of his charge, exultingly and bright,
The red days of all trophied years of glory and of might.
With lowly mein, but reverent pride, they gave the records in,
And all the holy angels stood, as fiends at the first sin,
Aw'd, fearing woe; but soon they heard a seraph's solemn voice:
“Almighty God approves the rolls, the world amends, rejoice.”
Vast Heaven resounded with a shout, and jubilant the blest,
Te deum sung—the psalm that's sung, when the oppress'd resist,
And then arose a chorus strain of infinite acclaim,
As if th' eternal host around could own the sense of fame.


“At Moscow the indignant Russ, terrific with his wrongs,
Did hurl the patriotic torch, his meed courageous songs;
And when was told the British gift, that bought the negro's chain,
Atlantine Freedom hung her head, and blush'd with selfdisdain.”
With stern sublimity serene, bright millions brighten'd then,
For all “the sworded seraphim” are pleased with gen'rous men.—
O England! Queen of noble hearts, great parent of the free,
Boon to mankind! be ever first, till freemen drain the sea.

The self-immolation of Moscow, and the mode in which the British slaves were emancipated, are perhaps two of the most magnanimous acts in the history of the world.



