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Australian Lyrics &c

By Douglas B. W. Sladen

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(Written for a Lady's Character Book.)

My favourite virtue, I confess, is chivalrous devotedness,
My favourite quality in man, the manful genius that can
With iron will and eye sublime, up to the heights of empire climb;
Although in woman, as I think, gentleness is perfection's pink.
I'm happiest when I explore a new and fruitful mine of lore,
And my peculiarity is in the almost contrary
Nature of the diversions into which my odd fancy runs.
If my desire were granted me by Providence, I'd choose to be
The greatest of a great old race of a great country in a place
Hallowed by vast antiquity, and impregnate with history,
With high-born women, fair of face, and of brave condescending grace,
About me ever, and rare books, in cases quaint, for all the nooks
By gable or by chimney formed, and be by year-long summer warmed
Beneath a blue unclouded sky, and drink in all the subtlety
Offered to nostril, ear, and eye, by flowers and by harmony.
I hold the Stephanotis' bloom fairest for shape and for perfume,
And as to colour think that few quite match the iridescent hue
Of the red cactus. Of all men who now living I would fain
Be William of Germany, seeing what he has lived to see,
And looking back on eighty years of anxious watching, as the tiers
Rose slowly up before his eyes of the majestic edifice
Of German power and unity. And I would live in Italy.
Were I a novelist I'd choose to write like Thackeray, my muse
Should sing like Shelley, and my brush depict as Turner's, the rich hush
Of sunset, shrouding some dead town o'er wreck of greatness overthrown.
Nelson's my hero: heroine I've none like the Hungarian queen,
And of the folk of tale and song, Frithjof the valiant and strong,
And she who was a child of Heth to the stern Scotsmen of her kith
My deepest chord of feeling touch. Dainties I like not overmuch
But take some delicate delight in almond comfits and the bright
And subtly odorous Noyeau. Although I gladly would forego
All luxuries, for beef and beer. I hold the name of Mary dear


Above all names, in that it was my mother's name, and for that cause
It rings to me of motherhood, and all that is benign and good.
I hate coarse-voiced vulgarity. The character in history
I most admire is Pericles: of all peculiarities
The most excusable are those round which a halo genius throws.
I think the most delightful way to pass a perfect summer day
Is round a reedy mere to prowl and stalk the wary water-fowl.
My favourite apophthegm is this, “Truly the light is sweet, and 'tis
A pleasant thing for the eyes to behold the sun” and herewith all my tale is told.